Saturday, 8 August 2020

Normal service had been resumed.

 Yesterday I was having an off day, we've been travelling now since the middle of July and in that time I have spoken to one person. This is the norm on the canal network, I've spoken to women at locks in previous years who have blurted a month's worth of conversation in the time it takes for a lock to fill, approximately 15 minutes.

Unfortunately I'm the sort of person who likes a certain amount of social interaction and this is sadly lacking when we travel. 

I'm hoping to see DD2 on Monday but it depends on travel times and mooring availability.

Thank you everyone for your kind comments, Rambler, thank you, I've deleted the anonymous comment but I appreciate you taking the time to offer support.

I've signed up to various websites and receive emails from my local council they suggest things to do to remain positive.

Such as listen to music, something cheery and uplifting, watch your favourite tv show on catchup, keep in contact with friends and family. Unfortunately all things that are not available to me.

Still enough of my whinging, what can't be cured must be endured!


Cardinal Wolsey said...

I like to chant that quote from Shakespeare's play 'Bargees in Space' - 'That which doesn't kill me had better run...' [Professor Plum, Act 134, Scene 222, in the library.]

I make my own fun on the cut. I pop out early in the mornings and move unscooped doggy do to the exact spot where the dog's owners will step off their boat. If a boat's been drinking heavily the night before I sometimes untie their ropes, bow-haul them into the next lock and drain it so that they wake up, eventually, in brick Hell. One of my favourite games is those little warning notices that C&RT tie-wrap to boats - sometimes I get out the printer and produce my own, utterly fictional ones, sometimes I just move C&RT's notices to the wrong boat. None of this helps with the lack of human contact, but it does give me more to watch once the world begins to wake up...

There is one very good reason for keeping on keeping on - it annoys other people so myuch.

walking in beauty carmarthenshire said...

Hi Hester, your pouch is ready and waiting for when you send me your address, if you still would like it.
I too am missing interaction, but find my solace in nature.
We live a fair distance from our nearest neighbour and have seen or spoken to no one in the village, since February. i think it must be difficult for you. I hope you get to see your family soon.
Kathy xxx

Anonymous said...

If you enjoy music, plays etc, would a wind up radio be a possibility? Pollie

JanF said...

Walking in Beauty's comment made me wonder how you manage with mail when you are moving so frequently?
I can't imagine not seeing or speaking to anyone since February! Thank goodness for modern communication. I remember when I first emigrated to the U.S. in the late 60's that a 'phone call home was in units of 3 mins and SO expensive. At Christmas one had to book a call.

flis said...

Stopping for a few words at a distance with other dog walkers brightens my day.Can't be for as long as previously for virus risks though x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...