Saturday 13 August 2022

Settling in.

I went to Specsavers to get my hearing aids checked, there is nothing wrong with them so my hearing is deteriorating quite fast. I've already been told that they don't treat vestibular schwanoma in people of my age, so that's that then!

The Specsavers I went to is in a supermarket so I did some shopping, mainly kitchen utensils, fortunately there was a range of items available from £1 each so not too expensive. The flat is very well provisioned with crockery and cutlery by there is a shortage of kitchenware.

I'm sitting in the garden with Beano where it is a little cooler than indoors.

I have a Tesco delivery on Monday so I'll be well stocked then and now I no longer have a car a delivery is the best that ng.

I'm sitting outside in the garden as its cooler now, Beano is asleep at my feet, we are doing our best to keep him comfortable.

He is currently on the lead as the homeowners parents are staying and they own two small dogs, one of them isn't very friendly. He's not keen on being on the lead but it's only until Monday when the family set off on holiday.

They are away for two weeks we have offered to water the garden for them, assuming there isn't a hose pipe ban in place by then.


dom said...

Happy to hear from you. I hioe everything is going to be easier for you !

Chris said...

Glad you are coping with the heat and the changed circumstances. I'm always pleased when I see a blog post from you, Hester!

Helen Drury said...

The NHS operates a non ageist policy so insist your GP refers you to the NHS audiology department in your local hospital. This is where places like Specsavers "fall down "
Take care

quarrylakefarm said...

The NHS operates a non ageist policy so insist your GP refers you to the NHS audiology department in your local hospital. This is where places like Specsavers "fall down "
Take care

Col said...

It's such a good thing that you left the boat when you did, imagine how hot it would have been in this damn weather!
Hopefully the next two weeks will be cooler and a bit of a rest for you, try to get your feet up whenever you get a chance, you need to have a bit of a lazy time!
Re Specsavers, please don't just take their word for it as far as there being nothing wrong with your aids. No Doctor, Nurse or Consultant would ever recommend that company, they're pretty rubbish really!
Take care, and stay well hydrated! X

Sue said...

I'm glad you're coping in the heat, and Beano too of course.

I would get an NHS second opinion before giving up entirely on your hearing, it should be a bit easier to arrange things now that you are back on dry land ... very dry, parched land no doubt where you are!!

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending hugs and sympathetic scritches to Beano.

Ellen D. said...

Glad you are relaxing and enjoying your place.
I agree with the others that you should check with a doctor about your hearing. Hope you find a solution to improve your hearing.

Yellow Shoes said...

I haven’t commented before but I would like to echo views about Specsavers. I don’t want to criticise a company but you need to now go to your doctor, tell him what SS have said and ask for a referral to a clinician in the field. I went to Specsavers and the young casually remarked that I had Macular Degeneration, no cure but recommended Lutein. After the initial shock I went to my GP, she referred my to an optician. I now get an annual detailed examination- free of charge.

So far it's crap

It's a bloody joke! The Housing Company are very good at sending out paperwork that has no relevance. They are also very, very good at g...