Thursday, 9 March 2023

Its a race

My eyes and ears are having a race, will I go blind or deaf first?

I did enquire about a cochlear implant but when the staff had finished rolling on the floor in hysterics they explains that an implant would not be available to me.

I've lost all hearing in one ear due to the size of the vestibular schwanoma and my eyesight is deteriorating rapidly. I'm thankful we moved here where there is no danger of me falling into the canal. Steve is gradually coming to terms with this place though I'm sure if I die first he will move out, though gawd knows where to.

I've received a letter from the local hospital, a follow up on my stroke I can't get to the appointment so I need to let them know. There is no direct bus routes so it would take me ages to get there. They do offer virtual appointments but as I can't hear anything using a telephone it seems rather pointless.

Col asked why I was not still cooking interesting meals. I no longer have any interest, twenty year of trying to provide healthy meals for Steve that accommodate his extreme fussiness has left me disinterested . I still eat reasonably well, I like eggs, cheese and chicken but I have no interest in making anything complicated. As anything I cook is just for me I just want something quick and easy.

Steve loves the air fryer, he can buy frozen food from Aldi and cook it for himself so he can eat any rubbish he wants.

I did make a fish pie a few days ago as Steve had purchased all the ingredients and then decided it was too complicated for him to attempt.


Ellen D. said...

You take care of yourself and do the best you can. That's all any of us can do really but you certainly are a strong woman to endure all of your troubles. Wishing you some happy days.

Anonymous said...

If you are unable to make hospital appointments due to disability, or you're unable to get transport there, ring the department and ask if they can provide hospital transport. Most hospitals can.

Anonymous said...

I also have had difficulty in getting to hospital appointments. We have a voluntary centre in this area which provides voluntary drivers to enable individuals to travel to appointments. There is a charge which varies according to the length of the journey and whether or not the driver waits for you and drives you back home. There may be such a service in the area you are living in. Gillian.

helen said...

Could your daughter phone the hospital and check what a virtual appointment means? We use the screen but it also has chat on it.

JacquieB said...

Does your daughter know that you are refusing hospital appointments because of transport difficulties?
Is the not hospital car service in your area? If so use it.

mother noah said...

I get transport provided to and from hospital appointments as I am not well enough to use public transport .Get in touch with the hospital or your gp and they will arrange it for you

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...