Tuesday, 7 March 2023

What i eat in a day.

Now that's a boring title isn't it!

As I said, some time ago Steve announced that he hated everything I fed him and was going to do his own food.

I  think he was disconcerted by my agreement but I've stuck to my guns and I rarely cook now.

I have cereal for breakfast, currently Shredded Wheat, 1 biscuit a day so a big box lasts ages, I rotate between that and sugar free muesli.

Whilst the weather is still so cold I have 2 toasted crumpets with butter and marmite.

My evening meal consists of a bowl of mixed salad, sometimes I add some tuna or cheese or hummus.

Today I'm making soup, there is some veg left from the roast dinner Steve made on Sunday. I shall eat the soup instead of salad for a few days.


Col said...

I'm pleased you're sticking to your guns about not cooking crap for Steve, however, you're not eating enough!
Can you put a baked potato with you evening meal? If you don't like them just microwaved, pop them in the air fryer for a few minutes after microwaving them, it gives them that lovely 'baked potato' taste!
You need to look after yourself more, and a big part of that is what you eat, and although you have a healthy diet, it's not enough food!
I appreciate all the problems with your vision etc, but you have always loved meal making and cooking, and need to get back into the habit of spending time and effort on meals, not for Steve, but for yourself!!!
You could do with two shredded wheat for breakfast, and you definitely need more than salad for your evening meal. You haven't mentioned lunch, do you eat in the middle of the day?
Believe me, I know better than anyone how easy it is to gain weight as we age and perhaps move a bit less, but you need to make sure you're getting enough fuel to keep the tank full!
Take care, Col X

Sue said...

Good for you for continuing to let Steve get his own meals. Does he make any sort of effort or is his enthusiasm already dwindling? He'll be after your shredded wheat and crumpets before you know it.

And don't you just love it whenever you mention what you eat on any blog post and you start getting told that it's not enough, there's not enough protein, you should do this, you should do that etc etc ... I am so used to it.

Moira said...

You need more protein in your diet, you are having salad so fruit and veg is good. A chicken leg, tuna, cheese or egg added would be good. If you are having difficulty cooking why not try Wiltshire Farm Foods. My mother got these in her later years when she found cooking difficult, and enjoyed them. Also you said you were making soup but add barley and lentils for protein . As we get older we must look after our health.

Lyssa Medana said...

That sounds tasty. I hope that you are getting enough to keep you going. Sending all hugs and scritches (as appropriate)

Ellen D. said...

I eat more than you as I do breakfast, lunch and dinner. Breakfast (bowl of cereal) and lunch (half a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, crunchy snack, yogurt and fruit) are pretty standard for me and then dinner is whatever I feel like cooking with usually 2 cookies for my evening dessert. I try to eat a balanced diet.
As long as you feel that you have enough energy for your day and you are healthy, you should eat what you want.

Col said...

I'm not telling you that you're not eating enough because I'm being bossy, but because I worry about you!
As you have always loved cooking, I'm a bit shocked that you no longer seem to have any interest in it, and wonder why this is.
Even if you're not cooking for Steve, do you not want to make something delicious and nourishing for yourself? If Steve doesn't want to eat ‘real food', that's his choice, but you shouldn't be giving up on something you have always loved to do!
I don't for one moment think you're anywhere even close to the point of getting convenience meals brought in from an outside company, and wouldn't dream of suggesting such a thing.
My back pain is getting worse very quickly now, and I can't stand in the kitchen for as long as I used to, but would hate not preparing meals, as it's such a love of mine, and I know it was one of your big things too!
So, I do think you deserve to spoil yourself with some lovely home cooked meals! X

Please stop shouting.

Steve is trying to take his blood pressure, he has the machine talking to him at full volume. Steve is shouting at the machine also at full ...