Sunday, 29 October 2023


Beano doesn't approve of the hour change.

He was wide awake this morning, staring at me, wondering why I wasn't getting up.

This afternoon he was asking for his tea by 2 o'clock so I fed him. He only gets one meal a day so it really doesn't matter when he eats.

He has also gone out for his last constitutional and is now waiting to go to bed.

I'm happy to follow his lead for now, I expect he'll soon adjust to the clocks changing and if he doesnt, it's no big deal.


Anonymous said...

Poor Beano. He must spend a lot of time every day feeling very hungry. Can't you feed him morning and evening? Or is this another thing that Steve controls? Hopefully, Beano gets some snacks during those long stretches of time.

Lynda said...

My horses are the worst about the time change. Clocks aren’t changed here until AFTER Halloween now…how silly to do this because of that!.I do wish they’d just leave us on standard time all year round!
My dogs seem to have good bladders too..especially my young corgi! The Lab will just ask me to go out at 4 am when he’s then absolutely desperate and the rain isn’t so important anymore..but he’d happily go out if he had another Lab to go with!

LameWolf said...

My current Canine guest is a very elderly dog - 16 years; and he was definitely unimpressed - I certainly didn't get the much vaunted "extra hour in bed" on Sunday morning! lol
I am partway through getting him adjusted; as he's here til 2nd November, I've been adjusting his mealtimes (he eats 4 times a day, small meals) by 1/4 hour a day, til we get ourselves aligned with GMT. It's no bother, and I feel it's the least I can do for him.
I wish they'd stop mucking about with the clocks - decide on BST or GMT, I don't care which, and STICK TO IT!

Rambler said...

Hear! Hear! It's about time a firm decision was made instead of half-hearted suggestions of stopping this out-dated and useless tradition. There's always going to be half the country 'for' and half ;against' changing the clocks, so PLEASE will someone make the decision?

Ruta M. said...

For many years I only fed my cats once a day. Mind you we lived by a riding stables and there were plenty of rats and other rodents to be going on with plus the occasional rabbit. Not so good were the times when one of my neighbour's call ducks was hauled into the conservatory, the cat's night time abode. It survived the first time but not the second. Once we moved into town the cats got fed twice a day. As far as my cat Speedy is concerned it's supper time as soon as he wakes up from his daytime nap and he's not thrilled at having to wait until 5.00.

.flis said...

I don't know whether mine have noticed that I've changed times - but then again I'm always running late mr grumpy complains - I've had 9 dogs and each has somehow decided their preferred meal arrangements - Some have suited x1 per day-x3 - or x2 per day - My Lily will eyeball me and firmly bark at me if she is not happy with anything though x

A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...