Friday 5 July 2024

Thats the election done.

My children all vote, I have very strong views on voting and they probably don't feel they have a choice.

As for which party they vote for, that's up to them. I don't feel it is any of my business.

Some of them tell me, some of them don't, I don't mind either way. 

It's the voting that is important, not the who for.


Sue said...

I agree, voting is very important. The only local election I didn't vote in was when after a discussion with my hubby it turned out that we would be cancelling each others vote out. As it was horrendous weather we decided not to trek up a Welsh hillside to cast our votes.

Chris said...

Yes, very important to make your voice heard. It seems to me that the younger folks don't see the importance of voting but all the seniors I know get out there and make their preference known.

Sue said...

Voting is very important.I am amazed by people who deface their ballot papers or write messages about the lack of suitable candidates - who do they think reads this? and how does it address any problem?
Good on you for voting.
Another Sue

Anonymous said...

@ sue, if voting made a difference we wouldn't be allowed to do it, as it is the same people are still in charge, just a different puppet working for them.

Corinne said...

Our two daughters both vote, every time. The major influence for this was watching Mary Poppins and seeing Mrs Banks singing Sister Suffragettes. Once they were older and understood what the ladies did for them to be able to vote, they always do!

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That's the only explanation I can think off.  Whilst I was out with Beano a parcel was delivered, it was two Radar keys. These enable yo...