Friday, 3 January 2025

If i was a man!

Thank you for all the good wishes, I'm very touched.

My big toe is causing me problems,  it's hot, red, swollen and stiff. If I was a man I'd tuck it into my underpants so the ladies would think I was pleased to see them! 

The problem is gout, which is so funny as I don't drink. But gout is just a type of arthritis and not dependent on alcohol intake.

My toe has been painful to a few days now but when Betty offered to take me out I jumped at the chance. Betty can't walk fast so I knew I wouldn't be slowing her down. We went to Waitrose to get Betty's favourite eggs, the extra large double yolkers, then we went to Asda to get the rest of the shopping. I bought a seeded sourdough loaf, it's delicious, I also bought some pickled herring and some anchovies. Betty also wanted to go to Iceland. But most of their freezers were very low on stock so she didn't buy anything. We stopped in the Asda cafe and had a baked potato with cheese and beans. It was very noisy in the cafe, lots of children. So when the girl on the till asked what I wanted I just said "the same" as Betty has just ordered. This meant I didn't know what I was having until it was put in front of me.

It was cheap, hot and tasty and the staff are friendly and helpful.


kate steeper said...

We used to have a lovely cafe in Asda , alas it has been turned into a large Costa , so out of our price range and none of the cheap offers

Ellen D. said...

If you Google "gout", there are some helpful suggestions on what to avoid and what to eat instead. I'm sorry to say that herring and anchovies are on the NO list. Also, drink lots of water. Hope you feel better soon!

Nelliegrace said...

Dad was recommended cherries for his gout. Asda has them, fresh, frozen, tinned, and in jam. I hope the painful flare up goes away soon.

Lyssa Medana said...

There's something very comforting about supermarket cafes. It's usually straightforward, fresh and inexpensive. But also usually incredibly busy.
Gout is awful and nothing to do with drink. Sending hugs and I hope that it calms down soon.

Poppy and Me said...

Asda has a winter offer for Pensioners. It's soup, tomato, chicken or vegetable, roll and as much hot drink as you want. It's tasty filling and hits the spot. just ask for pensioners lunch. the staff in Ipswich are so helpful making sure I can sit down bring soup and roll quickly and some even get coffee for me. x

Angela said...

Gout can be extremely painful. Your GP can provide meds to ease this

flis said...

I have a neighbour who is very wise on money stretching - Asda for breakfast is a daily event - He is quite a wealthy chap too x

Sooze said...

My brother had gout and was told it was due to too much coffee! (He is a big drinker of strong black coffee though).

lindsey said...

So sorry to hear about your gout. A very painful condition when it flares up. Take care. Best wishes, as always ,from a coooold Northern Ireland x

Plodding on.

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