Thursday, 23 January 2025

No improvement.

Things here are still difficult though I have to admit to some amusement. Some time ago Steve instigated a new rule, anyone going out had to fill in details on the white board.

It's stupid but I don't care, I only go out if one of my family takes me out or if I go out with Betty. Steve on the other hand goes into town to the pub once a week, out with Harry our neighbour once or twice a week, out with his friend Bob once a week. But he's suddenly started to go out one extra day a week and he wants to keep it a secret. He has failed to keep this a secret as we live in a very small flat and I notice if he's not home. He has tried to sneak out when I'm out with Beano but because it takes him so long to organise himself I'm usually in the car park coming home when he's leaving. Heaven knows what the neighbours think when they see him trying to hide between two cars in the car park.


Nelliegrace said...

A secret assignation? Is there a smell of aftershave?

flis said...

How very odd - Is he doing something naughty do you think - such as going to a bookies - I'd wave at him - perhaps not though - He might get agitated - Just enjoy the peace while it lasts x

Unknown said...

Have you noticed him dressing a bit better, being more careful with his hygiene? Is it possible he has a "little chickie" on the side? Protect yourself.

Sooze said...

This did make me laugh - fancy trying to hide from you between parked cars. Your neighbours must think he's bonkers (well he is). Wonder what he's up to?

Anonymous said...

Get yourself done up, lavish perfume around and in the air and then write something cryptic ( on the stupid white board ) a
s to where you are going. Two can play silly beggers Stevie

Lyssa Medana said...

If I were you I'd let my imagination go as wild as possible - he's been recruited as a secret agent by a particularly desperate underground organisation trying to promote fried food. Or he's literally away with the fairies and he'll bring back gold that turns to leaves before you know it.

Sending hugs.

Oh what joy!

Today Steve has watched the rugby and checked his blood pressure repeatedly. He is doing my head in! He gets very excited watching the rugby...