Tuesday, 21 January 2025

Today is not good.

Steve is nearly delirious with excitement because Trump is back in the White House. I fail to understand why he is so excited. I really don't think Donald is going to be knocking on our door looking for Steve.

I've exerted myself and after making the Sunday roast, I made a casserole with the left over beef, that's my cooking done for this week. I used to actually enjoy cooking but not now, not for Steve as his food issues make catering for him a nightmare.

I went to the summer house this afternoon but Beano couldn't settle so I left after a few minutes.


Bettina Groh said...

I don't understand why he is so excited about Trump and I really don't understand why any of them do ...

Lyssa Medana said...

Today is terrifying, particularly for women.

Donna said...

It's about freedom and women have absolutely nothing to fear...Trump got men out of our sports...dressing rooms, bathrooms! Now That was something to fear. Several rapes happened...kidnappings and stalking.
Hope it's not too cold there for you.

Sue said...

How anyone can be excited about that megalomaniac getting back into power astounds me. Let's just hope this term of office is better than his last one.

Unknown said...

He is a menace and people should be very afraid of losing their personal liberties. People should be doing their own research and do not take what he says as fact. He is a confirmed liar, cheat and convicted felon.

Marlane said...

Thank you !!

Anonymous said...

Delirium is a good word for it. God willing, we won't get too much irreversible damage.

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...