Saturday, 18 January 2025

Deaf and Grumpy.

That's me and Beano, I'm deaf and I forgot to charge my hearing aids last night. 

Beano is grumpy and I've started to notice how many dog owners cross the road to avoid us!  He is ok with small dogs but not big ones.

Y'day I cooked some mince that was in the freezer, I made Bolognese sauce and some small cottage pies for the freezer. I shall have spaghetti Bolognese tonight. Steve won't eat it as there is onions and tomatoes in it.


flis said...

One of mine doesn't like dogs he doesn't know approaching - Especially if they are running towards him and labrador size and larger - He freezes and then barks - But he will follow no problem - He's scared though he's not small himself but a rescue as Beano is I understand x

Damselfly said...

Enjoy the Bolognese! Some days are simply grumpy days, for humans and dogs/cats. Wishing you & Beano a quiet & relaxed weekend!

Lyssa Medana said...

I'm sure that Beano is a complete sweetheart really, just with a low tolerance for fools. Please pass on gentle scritches.

Lindsey said...

We have two corgis. One is fourteen and doesn’t take much notice of other dogs of any size. The other one is 3 years old and loves everyone. She is good with other dogs but wary of some breeds at first. Actually, I think that she doesn’t encourage larger dogs because all she really wants to do is to be friendly with the owners to see if she can cadge a treat from them. Running on the beach after a ball is something both dogs will do with anyone.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...