Wednesday, 19 March 2025


There are violets growing in profusion in the verges and crevices of the low walls. They are so pretty,  tiny and delicate.

The sight of them cheers me up when I'm out with Beano.

Steve mood is very variable, he got up early for him, 9:30 two days running and seemed quite cheerful. Then he was back to staying in bed until 11:30 and being bad-tempered all day. Has something or someone be upset him or is it just his usual temperament? I shall just plod on, ignoring him as much as possible. 


Meanqueen said...

I have a friend who is in very similar circumstances as yourself. Her husband has bouts of inactivity and won't do anything. She keeps busy in the garden. I think that's the answer.

Ellen D. said...

I'm glad you have those sweet violets to cheer you up!

flis said...

I've noticed that since retiring here Mr here's moods are up and down like a hoes knickers throughout any one day x

Cooking for one.

Steve's been hinting that he'd like me to take up the reins and start cooking again every day. I have started cooking Sunday roast a...