Thursday, 20 March 2025

Cooking for one.

Steve's been hinting that he'd like me to take up the reins and start cooking again every day.

I have started cooking Sunday roast as I lost patience with Steve's attempts. A joint is far too expensive to waste by ignoring the cooking instructions and then sobbing as the meat is still raw at midnight, I like to eat by 6 o'clock at the latest and not at 10:30 at night.

This week I sliced the remains of the beef joint and have frozen it for another Sunday. All the small pieces I turned into a beef stew.

I've ordered a couple of glass dishes with plastic lids, if they are ok I'll order a couple more. Once these arrive the plan is to make cottage pie, my way! When my children were small and money was tight I used to add onion, grated carrots, frozen peas, oats and lentils to stretch a small amount of mince into a large cottage pie. Due to Steve's food issues I stopped adding things to my cottage pie. Hopefully I can now get back to my way of cooking even though I know Steve won't eat it.


Lyssa Medana said...


That cottage pie sounds wonderful and incredibly healthy.

I love violets and seeing spring flowers always makes me smile. Please pass on gentle scritches to Beano.

Take care after your fall - the superstition is that your soul shakes a little loose after a fall and it can take time to settle.

Ellen D. said...

Your food always sounds yummy so I think you know what you are doing! :)

flis said...

I always catered for my dearly beloved 30 odd years - but after I was accused of trying to poison him and his mother's interference (who was a c**p cook anyway) - I no longer cook for him unless - He is ill and I then offer - He too suggested I restart - I refused because I could see trouble ahead - I prefer cooking for myself and my dogs who never complain x

Ruta M. said...

I cook separately for myself because we prefer different meals but I don't mind cooking something that we both enjoy every now and then.

Nelliegrace said...

I have decided to cook the healthy meals I want, and at regular times, and if DH isn’t here he can do his own food.
I am fed up of shopping and cooking when he forgets to tell me he will be out, wants his meal early or will be late, or is having a buffet supper at bowls, or a meal out with a friend.
I give him a five minute warning, yet he wanders off to the bathroom when the meal is ready and served.
I shall make a sign, “Your Dinner is in the Dog!”

Anonymous said...

What is it with men?
My husband sees me cooking his eggs and wanders off into
The gardens,or orchard.
He shows up to a cold breakfast and doesn't understand why I get annoyed.

Its not a "me" problem.

It took me a while to realise that's Steve's personality changed dramatically after his stroke. All the problems he now has, he attr...