Sunday, 23 March 2025


Today will be a day mainly of silence for me.

Steve will be watching the Grand Prix I will remove my hearing aids and read a book.

I've had a lovely treat this morning, whilst I was washing up I noticed a Jay taking advantage of a bag of peanuts that had fallen from one of the branches.

When I looked out the living room window I spotted a Wren in one of my hanging baskets. I know there are Wrens nearby but this is the first one I've seen close up.


caslass said...

Silence is golden, enjoy both that and your book.

flis said...

Jays are beautiful birds aren't they - 3 regularly fly past us - same place every time - We too have a Jenny wren in our garden - sweet tiny little bird and so perky x

Anonymous said...

oh same here a couple months back i saw a blue wren in a tree when i was on my walk up close and my first one brightest blue.

Ouch, I've got a stiffy

Finger that is, it's my index finger so I look like I'm admonishing someone. It would be worse if it was my middle finger. Steve...