So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home.
The rain also means Steve will be in a strop all day, nemmind.
My first job every morning, whilst the waiting for the kettle to boil, is to mop the floor in front of the fridge. I've known for a while that the fridge/freezer is on its last legs, it was in the flat when we moved here.
I kept meaning to mention it to Steve but often didn't bother as I assumed it would result in him having a strop. However when I did tell Steve he immediately measured the fridge and started the process of ordering one.
The first problem is size, our kitchen is tiny and we can't find a fridge/freezer that will fit in the space the current one takes. If we order one slightly taller, the cupboard above it will be too high for me to reach. I will also have to lose a few inches of the shelf that currently butts up against the side of the fridge.
We finally chose a fridge/freezer and placed the order, it will be here on Wednesday. I need to get the old one emptied, defrosted and wiped over before then.
Oh well, first world problems and all that. Not to worry, I'll manage!
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