Saturday, 16 September 2017

More downs than ups

It's been a week of ups and downs.

Work is busy, I knew it would be, some people are really worried about me leaving, they are not sure how they will cope.

We have the usual intake of new students and staff, one brand new year 7 managed to get sanctioned on his very first day! It doesn't bode well for the rest of his time at school.

Some of the new staff are nice, one even commented on how nice and calm it was in my department as his previous experiences had left him expecting chaos and bad temper. Some are less so, especially the trainees who think the term 'support staff' means servant.

CHS was told on Thursday that he was expected to extend his shift today, he refused, we have plans.
We are expected to change our plans at the drop of a hat even though those higher up the food chain have known about this for almost 3 weeks.

We are both annoyed at the lack of notice, a colleague suggested it was just an oversight that more notice was not given.
I replied that once, maybe twice could be seen as an oversight, but that as no reasonable notice is ever provided, it is an insult. The support staff are not seen as being valuable enough to have their plans and arrangements taken into consideration.


cumbrian said...

Sad reflection of management in the 21st century.

So glad I'm retired and no longer need to suffer fools.

Fishcake_random said...

I look forward to seeing what highjinx the new students get up to. X x

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I was a civil servant (immigration/customs officer) working shifts for many years. If we got a case we could not go home until out notebooks were signed off and witness statements completed. Shifts were regularly extended and if there was a shortage of a particular skill set you had to stay until relief was found! Yes you were paid but I would rather have been at home!

kelley said...

Management seems to treat everyone that way these glad you didn't cave...looking forward to hearing about your new school year too...they will be lost without you...

A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...