Sunday, 10 September 2017

There may be trouble ahead

There is at least one grumpy boater on the Marina. This boater has complained about everyone and everything on the marina.

Eventually, in desperation he was moved to the end of an otherwise empty jetty.

It seem to work and there were no more complaints.

But now there is a problem looming, there are 12 new boats arriving, there will be no more spaces free, hey ho, if he complains about me he'll get short shrift.


The Weaver of Grass said...

There's always one Hester.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

They appear in all walks of life unfortunately.

pollyanna said...

Take comfort he will be in the minority ( unless all the new arrivals are his friends!) It doesn't sound as though he's the type to have friends though .
If he complains he's misjudged the power of Hester!!! He'll only do it once .
polly x

Rambler said...

If he causes you any problems, block his wee poles!!! That'll teach him.

Sals View said...

Like Weaver said, there is always one.

Andie said...

Reverse psychology . . . When you meet him ask him if he is the man that everyone has told you about. Say people say he is nasty, complaining, dislikes everything and everybody and you hope all these things are not true as he strikes you as a decent human being. He will be putty in your hands and if he isn't, well I do not rate his chances. Love Andie xxx

Fishcake_random said...

Sometimes there's just no winning with that type. Just roll your eyes and be glad your never be THAT person


Fishcake_random said...

Sometimes there's just no winning with that type. Just roll your eyes and be glad your never be THAT person


Hard up Hester said...

Andie, I've tried saying hello, he just pushes past and snarls. I even tried complimenting his 4 legged companion, which works with most people, but not him.

Cro Magnon said...

You can't escape them can you. There's always ONE who'll moan about anything (we have them here too).

Andie said...

Kick him in the canal then; put a hole in his boat; adopt his dog and then move. You are right, there are some people that just cannot be befriended. So glad I am not him, he is to be pitied I think. Take care. Love Andie xxx

Bonnie said...

Get your whip out hun 😁

Hard up Hester said...

Tempting Sally, very tempting.

A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...