Thursday, 7 September 2017

Peeling fingers and a blocked wee pole

I'm a bit tired at the moment, I'm doing two jobs.
I'm still doing my school job and I'm boat cleaning when I get home each day.
Because I'm tired the old grey cells aren't working to capacity, so when I noticed that the skin was peeling off that's of my fingers I was a little disconcerted. Eventually I realised it was the fingers that I scalded a while ago, the skin had been dry and rough and eventually peeled off.

When Captain Hot Stuff announced yesterday morning that his wee poles were blocked I immediately assumed a trip to the Dr's was on the cards and offered to make him an appointment. After a few minutes of confused and confusing conversation I ascertained that what he actually said was ' The weep holes are blocked'.
Weep holes are small holes in the window fittings, they get filled with moss and need cleaning out occasionally. Much less painful than blocked wee poles I'm sure.


justjill said...

Well than goodness for that.

kjsutcliffe said...

I have just snorted in to my morning coffee.....wee holes indeed!

Bonnie said...

It sounded painful, for a minute there 😁

The Weaver of Grass said...

You certainly are a bit tired at the moment!!

galant said...

That sounded so painful at first ... but your fingers peeling must be sore, too.
Margaret P

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

Thank goodness for that! We have conversations like that too.

Hard up Hester said...

My fingers aren't sore thankfully, just irritating.

I did think wee pole was a strange expression for him to use but blamed it on old age, lol.

A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...