Saturday, 16 September 2017

Spending money

Despite stocking up last week when we finally got a working fridgefreezer, I still spent nearly £40 today on food for next week, much more than I should for just the two of us, but less than I've been spending whilst shopping every other day.

I bought a small piece of lamb for Sunday lunch, I shall turn the leftovers into a casserole.

I also bought some 2 chicken pieces, 2  burgers, 4 potatoes, broccoli, and cabbage, I have mushrooms and onions left from last week. I forgot to buy carrots but I'll get them on Monday. We ate the burgers today in soft rolls.

The plan is to make some portions of lamb casserole and chicken curry for CHS to take to work next week. He's working until 10pm each night so he'd prefer to eat at work.

I will make a vegetarian curry for my lunches next week and use up some of the tins from the cupboard.


Chris said...

I would be interested in hearing about your vegetarian meals. I grabbed a few shrimp out of the freezer tonight but what I should have done was try something vegetarian! I have plenty of beans, lentils etc. in the cupboard and vegetables in the fridge - just no imagination.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I think some shopping weeks are high and others low. I shop differently now as I have room to store. So the costs even themselves out a bit more.

galant said...

Veggie curry is lovely, I made this last week. It's always better, I find, re-heated the next day, or if you pop a portion into the freezer, and then have it a week or two later. Lovely! We also like veggie lasagne. We are not vegetarians (or vegans - they come from Venus, don't they?) but enjoy veggie food.
Margaret P

R's Rue said...


A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...