Saturday, 23 September 2017

A low spend week ahead.

Thanks for all the reassurance and suggestions, I'm sure it will be fine, I'm just getting panicky as retirement draws near.

I won't be getting a lie in though in the mornings as I will still be taking CHS to work.

I've checked the freezer and made a meal plan for next week. We have roast chicken tomorrow then in no particular order spaghetti Bolognese, chicken curry, pork steak, sausage and mash and then steak and chips on Friday. I have all this in the fridge and freezer so I don't need much shopping. I shall make double portions of the spaghetti, curry and sausage and mash and they will do for our lunches, we will have cheese sarnies a couple of times as I have bread and cheese in too.

I need to make some sausage rolls and chocolate brownies for our Macmillan fund raiser at work so I'll need to buy some ingredients for those.

Once it gets really cold and we have the stove on all the time I'm planning on using the top to cook my morning porridge over night and cooking some one pot meals on it to save on gas. I already keep the kettle on it so it shortens the boil time for our morning cuppa.


50 and counting said...

My coworker retired this week and last night was her retirement dinner.

Your departure will be felt by those that you leave behind. I knew I didn't want to work on that ward without her, so I found a new work home!

So just remember, your leaving changes how others feel about their jobs and where they see themselves.

Enjoy our freedom. Catch up on the things work prevented you from doing!

The Weaver of Grass said...

All those meals sound good healthy meals Hester.

J A said...

I retired a little over 3 years ago at the age of 72. If I had know how glorious it was I would have done it sooner. It took me a good year to hit my stride. I used the first few months to declutter and deep clean my home and then I was kinda lost. I was a little depressed and some days I stayed in my pajamas. Then I read a retirement blog where others said they occasionally do that too. All of a sudden I didn't feel guilty about it and perked up and found other things to do. Now I am so busy I look forward to pajama days. I swim at the YMCA two days a week with a friend and we go out to breakfast afterwards. I volunteer at a cat sanctuary 2 days a week. I am a professional cat petter. That is my only duty there. I love it. The other days I am busy with lunch with friends and getting my hair done and grocery shopping, etc. I also crochet items both for my family and to donate. It may take you awhile to hit your stride but as others have said on here, you will soon be so busy that you will wonder how you had time to work. Good luck to you I am sure you will have a lovely retirement.

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

You won't regret retirement, I'm sure of that. Meal planning helps keep my spending in check.

Jo said...

I keep a kettle on my woodburner all the time in the winter and have a flask that I fill when there is surplus boiling water. It keep a few pennies out of the energy company's pockets and makes me feel that I am doing a little bit for the environment : )

A over T.

Bugger, walking Beano this morning and I managed to trip. I ended up sprawled on the grass. I had great difficulty getting up. Beano had spo...