Friday 8 December 2017

Always room for a little one!

I visited DD1 today, noises are being made by social services, her oldest foster child is almost 20. Strictly speaking he is no longer fostered, she doesn't receive payment for him but he is part of the family. Social services would like him to move out so DD could take on more children.
DD is happy for him to stay and has said he should plan to move out by the time he is 30!
Because of the shortage of foster carers they have asked her to consider taking on a baby, normally everyone wants babies so she's always had 3 years and upwards. She has agreed that if one needs a placement she will accept. Her long term plans include building an extension to include a self contained bedsit so she can take mother and baby placements, with an extra bedroom above so she could take in more children. She lays awake at night worrying about the children that need somewhere to go.
Also her dog is terminally ill, cancer, the dog is not in pain, still enjoys a daily walk and is still eating. DD had one dog PTS a few months ago as he had heart failure,  DD had already said she will get another rescue dog or two, they will almost certainly be staffies as they are so good with children.


Dc said...

Ah, bless her heart, more power to her elbow!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Staffies are wonderful with children. We have a rescue Staffie and she is an absolute joy. She just wants to please everyone and is so lovable. Breaks your heart to think of unwanted children and dogs. Bless DD1 for giving them a home.

lynda said...

Good for your daughter! It's appalling that the social services ( here in the US, too) want to dump foster kids out at 18 to fend for themselves.
I had two kids in school that were fosters with a family..their parents would not let them be adopted. To this's day, their kids call the foster parent grand mom and grand pop, and they lived with the family until they were able to work and lived on their own, same as their biological kids....
You've all got good hearts! Proud to " know" you!

Jake's a Girl said...

Bless your DD to the moon and back! That's the kind of loving home all children need...the kind they never want to leave. Says and ocean full about your childs heart and her capacity to love. :) I pray she gets all she hopes for.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Some people are saints is all I can say.

Janice said...

Your daughter is a true angel. Sounds like she gives far more than she would ever receive. She obviously comes from a good Mom!!

Anonymous said...

your daughter sounds a wonderful woman

tessa xxx

Witch Hazel said...

You're daughter sounds amazing, well done to her :-)

Eeek said...

Your daughter has a huge heart. What a wonderful woman.

Sue said...

Your daughter sounds like an absolute angel, she obviously takes after her Mum. xx

Winters End Rambler said...

Well done that daughter! x

Shelly said...

Bless your DD for not telling the young man it's time to leave. Just because they are adult age they are not necessarily ready to leave the nest to be on their own, especially if the foster family is the only family they know and care about.

Lunch out

Betty and I went shopping today, I didn't buy anything but I was happy to wander around the shops with her. Betty was buying gifts for a...