Saturday, 6 January 2018

A Handbag

I absolutely love The Importance of Being Ernest, preferably the old B/W version.

But this post has nothing to do with the film.

My beloved was at work yesterday, up a ladder. The ladder was being steadied by a colleague at the foot because of the high winds. When the colleague's phone rang (he spends most of the day with his phone glued to his ear) CHS shouted down 'Don't let go of the bloody ladder' said colleague replied 'I got to answer it it's the wife'.
'Tell her you're busy then'.
'Hello darling, I'm a bit busy, is it an emergency?'
'It is! Oh what's the problem?'
'Oh I see, can't it wait?'
'Ok I'll be there as soon as I can!'

He rushed off leaving CHS to descend the ladder on his own, CHS was not impressed and when he caught up with his colleague what exactly was so important that he'd abandoned his post.

It seems that the wife had seen an advert for a handbag that was reduced to £25 and she had to have it NOW. Only she didn't have £25 and neither did the colleague, so he'd rushed of to find his dad to borrow £25 and meet his wife at the bus stop so she could go into town to buy the damned bag. 

CHS was incandescent with rage when he discovered he'd been left in a dangerous situation all for a sodding handbag. 

And why, you might ask could a married couple, in their late 30's both in work not have £25 between them.
I'll tell you.

Towards the end of November one of their large kitchen appliances went wrong and had to be replaced, the replacement was a different colour from the original so all three appliances, washing machine, tumble dryer and dishwasher had to be replaced so they all matched this all went on their credit cards around £2000.
Then there was Christmas, another £2000 went on their credit cards, which maxed them out, but this wasn't enough so they borrowed £750 from his parents and £400 from a doorstep lender.
Is it any wonder that they are in such a financial mess when the loan from their parents is being paid off at £50 per month and they think it will be paid off by July? Last time I divided £750 by £50 monthly payments it worked out at 15 months, maybe they mean next July!

A few hours before the handbag emergency the husband had been working out how he was going to pay his bills every month, CHS and the other caretaker have agreed that their colleague will get any overtime available. They all earn about the same amount, CHS is paid a little more as he is the senior member but then we have to rely on his wage as I've retired and only get a state pension.


lynda said...

I've worked with people like that..they are completely clueless and will accept no counseling....boggles the mind how they can be so stupid...

justjill said...

I am beyond belief. They are skint, in debt and she needs another handbag costing £25. She must be leading him by the nose, or other bit of anatomy, down the path of doom.

The Weaver of Grass said...

I really think there should be compulsory lessons on financial management taught in schools because with parents like this children don't stand a chance do they?

Anonymous said...

And how will they pay for next Christmas I wonder.

Joan (Devon)

Margie from Toronto said...

You couldn't make it up - could you!
I swear - cell phones should be banned in he workplace - Not only are people not doing a fair day's work but they are putting people like your hubby in danger! I don't know how he didn't rip the phone out of his hand and toss it when he caught up with him!

Chris said...

That is so funny..... not your hubby being left up the ladder.....just the whole description oh his work mate's financial woes, all self-inflicted!

Icey said...

Aren't most kitchen appliances white? How do they not match?
My mind is officially boggled!!!

Our oven bulb unit (the whole unit not just the bulb) died months ago, we spent many months with a dark oven until I had the spare cash and remember to order the unit. Total cost £36 and half hour of our time to watch a YouTube film and to take out the oven and replace the bulb unit ourselves - now we can see what we're cooking. Such a novelty :)

I just don't understand people like the couple described in your post!

galant said...

This scenario beggars belief, Hester, doesn't it? We have three different appliances in the kitchen, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, none of them matching exactly but all doing brilliant jobs. Why are people obsessed with things 'matching'? This couple needs a reality check and if they can't pay their way, then the bailiffs will be calling. And to put your husband in danger for a handbag is ludicrous, no wonder he was in a rage! Yes, time financial management was taught in schools. Forget Archimedes and Pythagoras and all that, just teach the young how to balance the books instead, and I don't mean physically on their heads.
Margaret P

kathy said...

You just couldnt make it up could you. My l ate husbnd used to work with somebody who was forever being rung up by his wife. They were having an argument and his lack of concentration led to my husband nearly losing his finger! He had to have emergency surgery and 10 weeks off work. No wonder your hubby was very angty. Kathyx

cumbrian said...

Never ceases to amaze.

I don't understand how some people can be so absolutely clueless.

Winters End Rambler said...

My mouth is open...that's just stupidity in its wildest form...x


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