Monday, 8 January 2018

Money woes

So many comments, so I'm not alone thinking they are mad to live like this. This is the wife who throws herself on the floor and screams if she doesn't get her own way, so I can see why he gives in, but I can't understand why he stays with her as there are no children involved.

Linda said
I've worked with people like that..they are completely clueless and will accept no counseling....boggles the mind how they can be so stupid. The poor husband is worried sick but cannot say no to her for fear of her tantrums.
Just Jill said...
I am beyond belief. They are skint, in debt and she needs another handbag costing £25. She must be leading him by the nose, or other bit of anatomy, down the path of doom.
It must be by the nose as there is very little carrot in the relationship, just a lot of stick.

Weaver said
I really think there should be compulsory lessons on financial management taught in schools because with parents like this children don't stand a chance do they?
Unfortunately I don't think either of them would have benefitted from lessons.

Joan said...
And how will they pay for next Christmas I wonder. When the husband started working with CHS he was £5000 in debt, he's now £20000 in debt.

Margie said
You couldn't make it up - could you!
I swear - cell phones should be banned in he workplace - Not only are people not doing a fair day's work but they are putting people like your hubby in danger! I don't know how he didn't rip the phone out of his hand and toss it when he caught up with him! I was surprised by his restraint too.


Blogger Chris Elliott said...
That is so funny..... not your hubby being left up the ladder.....just the whole description oh his work mate's financial woes, all self-inflicted! It's just unbelievable isn't it.

Blogger Icey said...
Aren't most kitchen appliances white? How do they not match?
My mind is officially boggled!!!
Our oven bulb unit (the whole unit not just the bulb) died months ago, we spent many months with a dark oven until I had the spare cash and remember to order the unit. Total cost £36 and half hour of our time to watch a YouTube film and to take out the oven and replace the bulb unit ourselves - now we can see what we're cooking. Such a novelty :)
I just don't understand people like the couple described in your post! The new appliance was silver the old ones were white, hence the change. I have to use a torch to see what is in the kitchen cupboards on the boat, I'm not changing the cupboards, I just keep a torch to hand.

Galant said...
This scenario beggars belief, Hester, doesn't it? We have three different appliances in the kitchen, oven, dishwasher, washing machine, none of them matching exactly but all doing brilliant jobs. Why are people obsessed with things 'matching'? This couple needs a reality check and if they can't pay their way, then the bailiffs will be calling. And to put your husband in danger for a handbag is ludicrous, no wonder he was in a rage! Yes, time financial management was taught in schools. Forget Archimedes and Pythagoras and all that, just teach the young how to balance the books instead, and I don't mean physically on their heads. Well said Margaret P

Blogger kathy said...
You just couldn't make it up could you. My l late husband used to work with somebody who was forever being rung up by his wife. They were having an argument and his lack of concentration led to my husband nearly losing his finger! He had to have emergency surgery and 10 weeks off work. No wonder your hubby was very angry. It is so dangerous, but some people just have no clue.

Cumbrian said...
Never ceases to amaze.
don't understand how some people can be so absolutely clueless. Unfortunately stupidity isn't curable

Winters End Rambler said...
My mouth is open...that's just stupidity in its wildest form. I agree with you.
There is a couple who live on a nearby boat, they don't have solar panels so cannot leave the marina. They need to be on shore power constantly. They were saying how lucky we were to be able to afford solar panels. But they go to the local supermarket and spent £30 to £70 a DAY, buying food. They then throw most of it away as they don't have a fridge or freezer to keep it in. Well they actually have a fridge freezer slightly bigger than mine but 'it's not big enough to use'. They cannot grasp that we budgeted and saved for the panels, just as we have for the replacement engine. We live on as little as possible and save as much as possible. My shopping bill comes to between £30 & £70 per week depending on what I have run out of.
We spent less on Christmas than either of these couples despite buying for 9 grandchildren.
Maybe we are just tight-fisted and mean.
It seems this level of stupidity is everywhere!


Col said...

"This is the wife who throws herself on the floor and screams if she doesn't get her own way". Any grown woman who acts in this manner should be forced to live 'below the line' for a few weeks. Finding out how hard life is for some people probably wouldn't change her attitude, but it'd be fun to watch her going out of her tiny mind! To be honest, if my 16 month old grandson threw himself on the floor and screamed, he'd find out what a nasty horrible grandmother I can be, PDQ!
DH worked with a man who had a similar wife, she made him work all the hours available, but would then ring him at work demanding that he return home immediately, as she was lonely! He has to dash home from a night shift once because she found a spider in the kitchen sink and couldn't deal with it! Unless she was planning to sleep in the sink I can't see what the problem was!

Winters End Rambler said...

Really they could start a stupids club...and charge well for to dispose of perfectly good to watch your electric meter go into overdrive...and a special...ow to be welcoming to the bailiffs when they arrive. x

Debdor said...

That is totally unacceptable. He must be reported to Health and Safety. Our H & S guy at the school I work in is always vigilant and updating equipment and notices...

galant said...

She doesn't sound much like a wife or even an adult to me, but a child still screaming to have her own way regardless of the cost, and a husband besotted with her, regardless. I don't think this is funny but very sad indeed.
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

you are not mean 0r tight just sensible with money I have friends who say we are lucky we have paid off our mortgage we have never moved and just kept beavering away they moved several times and have multiple holidays. if I had a tantrum my husband would ignore me or laugh.

The Weaver of Grass said...

Not mean, not tight-fisted Hester - just realistic and sensible.

cumbrian said...

£330 - £70 A DAY????

WTF do they eat?

Eeek said...

I once worked in an advice project for young people. A girl who was trying to move out cam in to ask about 'how you get money to furnish your house nicely'. On investigation she meant how could she buy the nice things out of shops and catalogues. We explained you work and save and in the mean time make do with donations, free cycle and second hand. This was a shock to her as there was no way she would consider 2nds. She wanted to know about loans and how etc. She was a student with some benefits. No kids. Little chance of a reputable loan. We hope she didn't go the Bright House route-*ridiculously high interest and a high chance of default and repossession. So many people want instant gratification but don't see the problems it can bring. Crazy. These guys in your example don't have the 'excuse' of youthful ignorance. Not all young folk are as silly thankfully.

justjill said...

Hester you are not tight fisted. How are kids going to learn about money if not from their parents? We should not be expecting schools to do everything that some parents expect of them. Kids starting school still in nappies springs to mind! I once ran a playgroup attached to a primary school and we had parenting sessions too. This woman/wife is in for one hell of a shock when all goes aot. However I expect she will just find another idiot man. So angry am I over this!

Kim @ Him, Him Me said...

You couldn't make it up could you? I have a girl at work who had an extra £20K added to her mortgage so she could have the furniture etc she wanted right away.She now moans about how much her mortgage repayments are & they will "only" be having 1 holiday abroad this year(instead of at least 3 last year that I know of) for which they will get a loan!!!
She's in her mid twenties and wants a family but doesn't know "if they'll ever be able to afford kids"
Some of these people really need a good kick up the backside, don't they? When she's moaning about what they haven't got or announces that she's just spent £500 in clothes for a wedding etc, I really want to plant my size 7's on hers.
I'm so glad I live in the real world, not LaLa Land!

Hard up Hester said...

Col, this woman is the same, wants him to work overtime for the money but then complains that she's lonely.
W.E.R, when the bailiffs call they phone their parents for more help.
Debdor, he is the H&S rep!
Galant, it is very sad, the husband is a nice chap, if a little wet.
Anon, Weaver. JJ, thank you.
Cumbrian, ready meals and fancy sandwiches I think.
Eeek, Kim, it's incredible isn't it, they expect everything, now.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised you k ow how much your neighbours spend on food each day....I have no idea what mine spend and they have no idea what I spend.

Hard up Hester said...

I only know because they told me, I didn't ask, we were discussing the benefits of solar panels.


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...