Thursday, 25 January 2018

Moment of panic

I had a moment of panic, I suddenly remembered that last year when I was changing my mortgage that there was a problem with my driving license.
I'd used it as proof of ID as I don't have a passport. It had been refused as it was out of date.
With all the stress of dealing with semi literate solicitors clerks and other idiots I completely forgot about this.
When I remembered it earlier this week, it meant I had been driving illegally for over a year.
I rushed to check my driving license, expiry date 2021, phew. It isn't out of date, the solicitors clerk had read the issue date instead.


The Weaver of Grass said...

I think we all have scares like that from time to time. Does us good. Keeps us on our toes.

cumbrian said...

Sounds absolutely typical.

Col said...

Our son's a solicitor, the tales he tells of some of the clerks and paralegals he has to deal with are amazing!
He was on the team interviewing eleven young people for a paralegal post two weeks ago. Part of the interview process is a simple test, using 'where' 'wear' 'we're' and 'there' 'their' 'they're' in the right context. Can you believe not one of the eleven got it right?!
Spelling and grammar is quite an important part of the job, so the post's been re-advertised, in the hope that they can find a person who is actually capable of doing the job. Oh, the firm's name cotains the letter 'H', so all interviewees are asked to spell the name out loud, and if they say 'Haitch', that's an immediate no-no!
It may sound a little harsh, but they will, at times, be speaking to clients, and they need to be more than semi literate!

Living Alone in Your 60's said...

I was asked by airport security staff to see my identity to enter a restricted area so I handed them my warrant card. The looked at the piece of plastic and said that's not a warrant, where's your badge. The badge is for show and doesn't contain my details or rank, or qualifications in law! CRAZY!

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 I shall be in bed before midnight so here's wishing everyone a Happy New Year.