Sunday, 22 July 2018

Non-moving day and funny questions.

We were intending to move on today but the next two places on our journey are full. So we will stay here at Woolhampton until Monday, when I will check again to see if there is room.

We need to be in Thatcham by Friday as we are spending three weeks travelling towards Bath and back.

People often stop and talk to us when we are working the locks, well they usually chat to CHS, I'm mostly red-faced and puffing from having galloped along the towpath and cranked the lock paddles.

Yesterday I was helped through a lock by a chap who had just bought his own boat but hadn't collected it yet, he wanted to gain some experience at locking before attempting it on his own.

Another chap asked me about water, I was opening the swing bridge for CHS and kept it open for the boats exiting the lock. He asked why CHS had turned off to the left instead of heading straight into the lock. I explained that we needed to fill up with water, he didn't realise we had a tank that we filled with water, he assumed we were connected to mains water somehow.

Once we moored at the water point someone also stormed over shouting 'Don't you realise there is a hosepipe ban?' 
Well there isn't a ban yet and even if there was I'm sure it's to stop people using a hose for watering their garden and washing their cars. It doesn't apply to filling up a water tank on a boat!


Jeannieuk said...

Aren’t people funny (exasperating!). Good luck with finding your next mooring. We have a river flowing through our village and have noticed how much more busy it has become in recent years.

keth said...

did you hear about the person who left the lock gates open on a canal and drained it? - you might be interested... :)

justjill said...

I get strange comments too when walking on the Prom. The DP says its because I smile at people. Better develop a frown then.

Andie said...

not sure what the tow paths are like in your neck of the wood but my husband had a boat yard for quite some time and a lot of our moorers had a small (fold up) bike to use on the tow paths to enable the opener of locks and gates quicker and less tiresome access up and down the tow paths. Just re read that and I know it is a bit long winded but I have had a busy day and do not feel like shortening it! I know you will appreciate what I suggest then the bike could be kept on board. Hope you have a good time on your next journey. Love Andie xxx

Anonymous said...

You're legally allowed to use a hosepipe to fill a water tank on a boat or caravan.

Col said...

Honestly, why would anyone not realise that a boat is the obvious exception to the rule when it comes to a hosepipe ban? What do they expect you to do? Fill the tank one watering can at a time perhaps? There's stupidity and there's super stupidity!
We're in the United Utilities area where a ban is being enforced as of August 5th, but our household is exempt. I didn't know we were until a letter arrived on Saturday informing us, and telling us to show the letter to anyone who queries why we're using a hosepipe.
I phoned UU this morning to find out why we're exempt, and apparently it's because of my back problems, which mean I can't carry full watering cans. Thing is, I'm certain that UU have never been told about my back, why would I? It's a mystery! I told them to remove the exemption, as DH can easily carry watering cans, but they're leaving things as they are, 'just in case'.
If they do implement the ban, I'm thinking of going out and using the hose just once. Our next door neighbour is such an obnoxious and nosey bugger, he'd be guaranteed to start yelling at me. It would be such a joy to shove the letter under his poisonous nose, wait for him to demand to know why I'm exempt, then tell him it's none of his business, he'd probably spontaneously combust with fury! If he did, I'd have to leave him to fry, hosepipe ban and all you know!!!

Rambler said...

Oh Col, I'd be sure to do just that - and take great pleasure from it. So funny!
From the remarks you get, Hester, one wonders at the mentality of some people. Maybe you should get yourself a long syringe so that you can fill your water tank without upsetting anyone.

Hard up Hester said...

Jeannie, I'm sure there will be a space soon.
Keith, yes we were warned about that, someone left the paddles open.
Annie my mother was very overprotective, I cannot ride a bike nor can I swim!
Anon, thank you.
Col I'd use the hose too, lol.
Rambler unfortunately there is no cure for stupidity.
We don't mind people asking questions as so many have never travelled on a boat.

Today is not good.

Steve is nearly delirious with excitement because Trump is back in the White House. I fail to understand why he is so excited. I really don...