Friday, 16 October 2020

Shopping trip boater style.

I think Loulou enjoyed her stay with us, she saw DD2 and the children regularly and now she is home I  collect her and take her for a walk sometimes with Beano.

Pat, thank you, I'll look for those hooks.

I needed to shop today, urgently.

There was no milk, no butter, no potatoes, one egg and one slice of bread. Steve's ankle was very painful so he decided to stay home with Beano.

We are moored a mile and a half from the car so I took the big rucksack, climbed over the lock gates, walked to the car, drove three miles to the shop and back and then walked back to the boat,  climbing over the lock gates again. 

We should be ok until early next week now, there is meat and fish in the freezer, fruit and veg in the fridge and lots of tins and dry goods in the wardrobe. My wardrobes are shelved and there are three of them, one holds all my yarn, one holds my clothes and one contains food. I also use one of the bathroom cupboards to keep jars in.


Sue in Suffolk said...

Seeing your wool cupboard I can now see why you changed up from a smaller narrow boat!

crafty cat corner said...

Love that cupboard full of yarn, what could be better. lol

The Weaver of Grass said...

You have certainly had plenty of good exercise today

mamasmercantile said...

That was quite a hike. Love the yarn cupboard, a feast for the eyes.

Sod's law.

I keep a blanket on my sofa, I feel the cold more than Steve, so he wears a tee shirt and rather than have the heating up high I snuggle up ...