Monday, 31 October 2022


 I let Beano out early evening yesterday, he set off at speed!

I was extremely surprised as he rarely strays from my side.

I ran after him but by the time I reached the front garden he had crossed the road and was on the grass bank on the other side.

I followed him and made a grab for him, I couldn't pick him up as I'm not steady enough on my feet.

I had a tea towel with me so I looped it through his collar and let him wander about a bit. He'd obviously caught the scent of something.

Eventually I persuaded him to head for home, Steve was looking for me. He went absolutely ballistic and still hasn't really calmed down yet.

I think Beano must have caught the scent of a bitch in heat as he never usually runs off.


Col said...

We had a Bearded Collie many years ago, before they became popular.
She was wonderful, walked to heel beautifully, came when called, everything one could wish for when out walking.
Then, one Saturday afternoon, walking in the woods, something startled her, and she took off. After a frantic forty minutes, we found her, she was on our driveway, cowering under husband's car, she'd crossed a major A road to get there, and we were incredibly lucky that she'd survived.
She never, ever, was unleashed outside of our own property again, we couldn't take the chance. We had a 75ft extender leash, so she could run 'free' but kept safe!
Pleased to hear that Beano got home safely, even if it was attached to a tea towel!
Hope Steve calms down soon!
Any sign of your completion date yet? X

Rambler said...

A scary time. I'm glad you were able to catch him and persuade him back home with you. Will you have an enclosed garden at your flat?

Lyssa Medana said...

So sorry to hear what you have been going through. Sending all good thoughts and vibes your way. I am so glad that your daughters are there for you. I hope Steve calms down and that things settle once you get into your flat.

Please pass on cuddles to Beano, but with a stern word not to play those games again.

Hugs x

Sue said...

Gosh thank goodness you managed to get him safely on his tea-towel lead. They do make our heart stop at times these dogs of ours don't they. We have to pretty much keep Suky on her lead at all times when we are out now, she is completely deaf and if she sees a dog she wants to run over to she just takes off as fast as her little Pug legs will carry her, and of course we just have to run after her as shouting her back is no use!

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...