Thursday, 13 October 2022

Something the cat dragged in!

That's what I feel like this morning!

Hi Pollyanna, so glad you found me.

Yesterday we walked to the chemist, it's a hard walk, we live at the top of one hill, the chemist  is at the top of another hill. We wanted to collect a prescription for Steve, it took hours. Not because we walk slow but the chemist is so disorganised. The prescriptions are kept in so many different boxes and the boxes are stored in different rooms. That's if your prescription is even ready, it often isn't available even if they have emailed to say it is.

It took us almost three hours in total, even Beano was knackered by the time we got home, he didn't want another walk, he slept most of the afternoon.

The sum total of today's activities will be putting the shopping away when it arrives and changing the sheets.


lindsey said...

That sounds like more than enough for one day!

Ruta M. said...

Maybe your chemists offers a free delivery service. Our one here in Wales does but as it's only 5 minutes walk away we don't need to use it.

Jaccs said...

Your Chemist sounds like mine, takes an hour to find prescription, then they make it up, even though you ordered it a week ago, oh the joys and woebetide any body who challenges them!!!

Chris said...

What an ordeal! Time to look for a more organized chemist, methinks.

50 and counting said...

After reading about your problems collecting your prescriptions, I have to ask.

Do British pharmacists have a governing body? If they do report them. No pharmacy in Canada would be permitted to operate in such a disorganized fashion.

Sally said...

You could get your medication delivered to your door. Just set it up on line and you don't need to do anything else.

pollyanna said...

We'll have to start positive vibes tu're soon in your home.After wracking my brains for the name of your bog, I mentioned on the Fence I'd found you so many remember and miss you.#if it's difficult to post on MSE any more they can always follow the blog. If you decide to change the name of the blog now you're no longer Afloat I hope you'll say so on this blog.
Take care hester.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...