Monday, 31 July 2023


and overcast here today, it rained overnight and into the morning.

Steve seems to have rejoined the human race today, he was up and dressed by 11 o'clock.

He went on a bender on Saturday  and drank far too much, Sunday he was grumpy and miserable all day.

He's better today but is refusing to wear his hearing aids, he believes there is nothing wrong with his hearing, I just don't speak clearly!!

Funnily enough he wears his hearing aids when mixing with other people!

I need to walk to the pet shop today or tomorrow and get Beano a pack of dentastix. I also need to make a batch of chocolate brownies for a meeting on Wednesday with the new manager and some of the residents.

Yesterday I got a small bag of cooking apples, they were on a garden wall along where I walk Beano. I shall make some individual servings of apple and blackberry crumble for me. We have blackberries growing near our flat that I can pick.


Lyssa Medana said...

I suspect that you're safe to be grumpy with.

There aren't many blackberries around here this year. There were a lot more last year. I guess that's all the fun weather that we've been having.

Sending hugs x

Col said...

I love an apple and blackberry crumble! My mum always said I made the best crumble she'd ever had, it's because I always put a small amount of oats in the crumble mix, and never press it down when covering the fruit! Now you've got me thinking about them, I feel one may be getting baked tomorrow, as we have our Grandson all day, and he's crumble mad! The more of it he and his Grandad eat, the less there is for me, which is a good thing!
I do hope you crashed and slammed your way around the flat whilst Steve was feeling delicate, I would have, just to make him suffer!
Apparently the experts who said Steve needs hearing aids are idiots, and you always mumble. I wonder what it's like to be as perfect as Steve thinks he is. X

Ellen D. said...

It sounds like you are doing what you enjoy. Good for you!

Rambler said...

There are rampant brambles all over my back garden; I'm always pruning those long prickly trip hazards. Lots of fruit on them now, thanks to so much rain, but I have to wait for some sunshine to ripen them before I can enjoy my crumbles. Love a crunble & custard! Will Steve enjoy them as well?

flism said...

I wonder if Steve shall be tempted by your blackberry and Apple crumble - Occasionally if my dearly b doesn't hear my request for his assistance with something - I more quietly say "your sister's on the phone" - He comes running - musn't keep her waiting x

Chris said...

What's not to like about free apples and blackberries! I bet the crumble will be delicious. I had tons of raspberries this year from my few bushes but just ate them with a bit of sugar and cream. Delicious!

Anonymous said...

Hester if your children read your blog, I'm sure they would find it as upsetting as many of your readers. You have waited such a long time for your retirement and for numerous reasons your life now sounds so difficult.
Cat lady sounds like a bully, either ignore her and walk away or maybe one of your children can agree to walk Beano with you on a few occasions. A younger person willing to tell her "where to get off" should do the trick.
I hope you feel better soon and some of your energy returns x

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...