Saturday, 15 July 2023


Yesterday I took Beano out just before 7am, we got back just before it started to rain and it rained for the rest of the day. 

Today I was late getting up so we didn't walk until almost 8 o'clock, it was very windy and blustery and just starting to rain as we arrived home.

I've still not sorted the food cupboard, I spent most of Thursday night sat on the sofa. I couldn't lay down, but feel back to normal today.

I've picked mint and sage from the tub by my front door, I shall dry it in the airing cupboard.

I need to look up a protection spell, I need to persuade my neighbour to keep away from my window and door. She's making Beano and I nervous with her constant wandering around in the dark.


Col said...

I suggest you buy a 'bicycle horn', and at night, occasionally switch your lights off, 'peep' put of your window, and if you spot your nutty neighbour lurking outside, open the door or window suddenly, and blow the horn!
It would hopefully scare the living daylights out of her, and if it happens a few times, may persuade her that lurking outside your property in the dark is not a good idea!!!
Take care,
Col X

Martha x said...

It feels like autumn instead of summer with all this wet and windy weather.
Can't you have a word with your neighbour and tell her to keep away from your window and door?

Rambler said...

If your neighbour likes lurking in the darkness, it would be a good idea to buy a security camera, one that lights up when it senses movement. She wouldn't like that! You can get solar operated ones; it wouldn't need wiring in.

Hard up Hester said...

I have asked my neighbour repeatedly not to lurk by my flat at night. She insists on wearing camouflage as well. I find this quite unnerving as my poor eyesight makes it difficult to see in the dark.

I'm thinking of buying a rape alarm to use next time I find her lurking.

Ellen D. said...

I like the idea of installing a motion light so it would shine brightly on her when she tried to sneak up.

Anonymous said...

you can buy motion detector sprinklers, after a soaking or two she won't be so keen to creep around your windows at night

flis said...

As Autumn approaches and it is so dark who knows who may be lurking - you need to protect yourself when you need to take your little dog out to do his business at night and feel safe to do so -If you are startled by anyone I would use the rape alarm x

Corinne said...

Our local police used to give out free personal alarms. Maybe worth asking? If they ask why you want one, you can tell them you don't feel safe.

Ian H said...

If the window opens perhaps this neighbour who wanders around in the dark might be poked in the ear with a sharp stick? It's no less than they deserve, and judicious use of a stick often precipitates a welcome change of behaviour. :-)

flism said...

Or a trip wire x

ShellyC said...

A motion activated security light is a good idea. I have two battery operated ones at the front of my house. Get a handy man to put them up while he is on a ladder, so they can't be tampered with perhaps
A Bull horn also sounds like a good idea.
Also report to the site manager that there is a prowler at night, to draw their attention to the problem. You could also call the police as a semi-blind, semi-deaf older person they would investigate a prowler. It would also be on record.
Good luck with the silly woman. Although come to think of it a motion water sprinkler also sounds good

Chris said...

Good luck with the protection spell. She sounds like some kind of weirdo!

A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

I have to say I love some of these suggestions, a motion sensor light, a rape alarm, a bicycle horn, a sprinkler system, a pokey stick out of the window, a trip wire and your spell ... surely if you put all of them in place she will stop lurking by your window at night.

Maybe you could also borrow one of those life-sized cut-outs of police officers that they have in some shops to deter shop-lifters and have that near your front door.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...