Thursday, 27 July 2023

Wild flower meadow

This is just outside our door, Steve and Harry planted it not long after we moved in. It was previously just covered in old estate agents boards and ivy. Of course some of the neighbours complained. They preferred the boards and the ivy. 

I've thought for a while about how difficult Steve is, living here there seem to be a few people like him. Always complaining and moaning.

The mad cat lady is complaining about the area above as it presents a risk to her cat. She has also complained about Beano and the two dogs on the top floor. There are new people moving in who have two cats, we have been asked by her to sign a petition stopping this as her cat can't cope with the thought of other cats on its territory.


A Smaller and Simpler Life said...

Surely the old agents boards would have been a lot more dangerous for her cat, with screws or nails sticking out of them. Wild flowers are no problem whatsoever ... but I guess she will always find something to moan about.

I guess the complaining and moaning by so many of the residents could be because of age related difficulties and ailments that they think gives them permission to turn into grumps. It's just the same at my Mum's housing complex, nice conversations soon turn into bitching and moaning sessions.

Nelliegrace said...

The wild flowers look very pretty, Hester.
You have to laugh at some people, or you would cry.
Mum found her selective deafness very useful for Dad’s moaning, lost items, and frequent demands.
My Granny used to hum a lot to reduce unwanted background noise.
Best wishes.

Ian H said...

Even on the canals there are people who moor up and if you notice at all it's an improvement, while there are others who moor nearby and make you think of nothing more than swiftly moving away. I hope I'm barely noticed wherever I moor, but I can't be sure!

Lyssa Medana said...

Two phrases that I've recently heard -

Catshit crazy

10 pounds of crazy in a 5 pound bag.

Both seem useful for you to have at the moment. Sending hugs x

savannah said...

Here in the states I hear bat crap crazy used frequently. Also a few mcnuggets short of a happy meal. I say you start a
Petition to lock up the crazy cat lady
in the local psychiatric unit.
With her freaking cat!!!
People are not going to like Steve no matter where he lives.
No one wants to be around a whining,self centered prig.
Tell them all to bugger off.
Then sit out in front of your home
Wearing a pair of torn,wrinkled boxer shots.
Add a spiked leather metal studded Madonna bra.
Perhaps a pair of reindeer antlers to top your
Outfit off.
Start yelling ass,shit loudly .
Tell everyone you have tourets.
Now this may not solve all your problems
but it will confuse and frighten
your neighbors.
More importantly it will amuse you.
Hugs,hope I made you smile.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...