Sunday, 23 July 2023

Cunning plan.

Steve came up with a cunning plan.

As I refused to take over cooking duties he announced that he had injured his wrist.

He couldn't remember how he'd injured it but it was very painful, though not swollen.

Harry agreed to give him a lift to the nearest pharmacy so he could buy a wrist support.

I agreed to cook for a few days as he claimed his wrist was too painful.

The meals I have provided have been simple, we've had fish and chips from a nearby shop. Steve also requested a plate of ribs in BBQ sauce one day and chicken wings in BBQ sauce another day.

Today I had a gammon joint, some leftover wings and I cooked some chicken breasts. I served these with buttered new potatoes and salad.

To Steve's disgust there was no gravy, I don't serve gravy with salad as they don't seem to go together to me.

Steve reluctantly ate the food provided but I notice he is no longer wearing his wrist support. I assume he will take up his cooking duties again soon.


Fat Dormouse said...

You're definitely right. Gravy does not go with salad. It would all get soggy and weird. Maybe some Bisto gravy granules in a jug would satisfy Steve's need for gravy!

How long before he starts cooking for himself again, do you think?

Rambler said...

If Steve detests cooking so much and you are cooking only healthy meals, you will improve his diet no end and he will feel - and look - better, Win, win!

flis said...

I've noticed that when mines ridiculous behaviour doesn't get a reaction I believe he wants - He sulks x

Catriona said...

Well done You! Catriona

Anonymous said...

My dear,cook for yourself and let him eat
the crap he loves.
You need to take care of yourself.
Stop giving in to a cunningly manipulative
He needs to discover the things he says and does have repercussions.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...