Monday, 23 November 2015


It was MIL's funeral today.

It all went very much as expected.

The funeral directors forgot the flowers.

BIL2 refused to carry the coffin.

His wife lost the plot, screaming, swearing and hitting people with her handbag.

She finished by spitting in my face because I bowed to the coffin instead of curtsying.


Everyday life at Number 38 said...

Good grief Hester, I'm lost for words. At least it's all over with now. xx

Poppypatchwork said...

Hester what a terrible day, forget them, they obviously are not worthy of you thinking about them, I hope your hubby is OK. Families are hard work.

Mim said...

What appalling behaviour, hopefully you and your OH can now have a time of relaxation now that the funeral is over.

Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs. That is one obstacle over with. Is there a will or can you just tell them all to 'go away'. Hope L&M is okay - I am sure he is relying on you. Take care Sybil xxx

Jill said...

I am so sorry that you were treated in such an outrageous and disrespectful manner.
You described your MIL as lovely so it must have been very difficult for you and L&M to say goodbye to her, let alone with such a circus act
In progress.
May you both get some long needed rest and peace.

Cheryl said...

You just couldn't make this stuff up. Does your BIL and his wife have mental problems or are they so uncouth they can't even pay respect to your poor MIL? Cheryl

thrift deluxe said...

How horrible for you and disrespectful to your MIL. Hope you get some peaceful time at home now after everything you've been through with them.

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

I have never curtsied, always bowed at such a time. I think I would only curtsy to royalty!
So what is that all about?!
Just the will to go and you can get on with healing
Take care

Linda Metcalf said...

Bless your heart and your poor hard on everyone. It's done now and hopefully you can both settle with it.

Marjorie said...

Hugs to you and your DH.

Lesnes said...

Gosh, sounds horrible... I've been to a lot of funerals - unfortunately - but never been expected to curtesy or bow? When I was young in the 50's we would all stop if a hearse went by to the church and the men would remove their hats. As a sign of respect the closest family members would have a diamond shape patch made out of velvet fabric sewn onto their sleeves to show that they were grieving. Many of the wakes were held in pubs and I confess that a few drinks too many often heralded a punch up.

Hope you soon put the trauma behind you.

What a lovely day.

I went for breakfast with my son and daughter, I had a croissant with Brie and Bacon and had a lovely time, Beano came with me and sat under...