Thursday, 5 November 2015


Thank you all so much for all your kind comments, 

MIL has finally been moved to the hospice,

we have been to visit her and she looks so much 

more comfortable already. We are looking at a 

timescale of day's only, but the change in her 

treatment has been incredible, she has pain relief

via a pump, the right amount of pillows, an extra 

blanket on her cold feet & unlimited ice cream as 

this is all she can eat now.

I had a bowl of soup at 10:30 yesterday morning & 

then nothing else 7:30, we spent a couple of hours 

 with MIL, an hour with the staff who are speaking 

to FIL and encouraging him to visit, they have 

assured him that MIL needs him and they have 

offered BIL2 counselling,  hubby & I will 

take him to visit at the weekend.

We drove home through a downpour of biblical 

proportions, as soon as I'd dropped hubby home I 

had to go back out to collect neighbour and drive 

her to the vets to collect her dog, this took just 

over 2 hours, I suppose as the vet is charging 

£2490.64 she thought she'd best make the 

appointment last as long as possible.


Frugally challenged said...

And isn't it great that your MIL will get wonderful loving care and you will all get great support without having to give the finance a second thought. I think I'll slip a little something into our local hospice collecting tin today while I am out as a little prayer for her.

Lyssa Medana said...

Sending good vibes and hugs - hang on there! Sybil xxx

Sue in Suffolk said...

Hospices are such wonderful caring places.
Take Care

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear MIL is now in the hospice where the care is appropriate for her needs. Take care of yourself as you help everyone else. Catriona

Poppypatchwork said...

So pleased to hear your MIL is comfortable at long last, thing of you all xxx

Cheryl said...

I would assume hospice in the U.K. is similar to here in the US. They are a God sent,but they put BIL in his place. They will even offer consulting after. Good luck and I am glad your MIL is getting the best care she can. Cheryl

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - so pleased to hear this - it must be such a relief to you all. A Hospice is truly a Godsend and the people who work in them are true angels. Good luck to you all.

Marjorie said...

Hugs to you all. I am glad your MIL is comfortable in hospice.

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...