Tuesday, 24 November 2015

Five scarves and a birthday

Because of it's proximity to MIL's funeral, my birthday was very low key, not that it's ever high key.

I couldn't think of anything I wanted so my L&M paid for my new winter coat, he usually buys me a bouquet of flowers, but we were given some a week ago and they are still going strong. 

DD1 took me out for a pizza, DS2 bought me a box of chocolates, DD2 gave me a mug with photo's of the DGC on and DS1 forgot, lol.

I've been asked to knit five scarves in different colours for a local nursery, they shouldn't take long and it will use up some of my stash.


Sheila said...

Awww..............Happy Birthday to you-x-

Linda Metcalf said...

A belated Happy Birthday. Mine is two days after Christmas so usually goes un-noticed for the most part. Hope you are lifted by the day and that things are calming although with scarves to make? Life keeps going around.

Poppypatchwork said...

Happy birthday, it's a shame it has been lost in everything going on.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday- mine is just into theNew Year so even as a child was a non event. Catriona

Corrina said...

Happy Birthday, lovely that your family all remembered - well almost! lol :)

Rambler said...

Belated happy birthday wishes, Hester. With all that's been going on recently, you could do with a break; it's a pity your birthday couldn't have been celebrated on a peaceful desert island!

Filling the freezer.

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