Wednesday, 4 November 2015

Going from bad to worse

Another day, another hysterical phone call, FIL is now speaking to us again, BIL2 has banned all visitors to MIL. 

FIL is desperate to visit MIL, but too scared of BIL2, MIL is pining for FIL.

I phoned the hospital and was told that we can still visit but BIL2 is standing guard to stop everyone getting near her, we will visit tomorrow and take FIL if he wants to go. 

I'm expecting security to be called! 

My lovely contact at the hospital assures me that we are not the worst family they have had to deal with but I find that hard to believe.

She asked me today 'You are supporting your husband, your father in law and 2 of your brothers in law, who's supporting you?'

I sat and sobbed at my desk, fortunately no one came in and saw me.


Poppypatchwork said...

Oh Hester, it is good to cry to release the tension, families can be horrible, there is always one horrible sibling.

Anonymous said...

We've got your back, Sista! Hang tight and cry when you need to.

Anonymous said...

Cyberhugs to you today and every day you need them. Catriona

Lyssa Medana said...

Hugs - sending loads of good vibes. Sybil xxx

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Lots of virtual hugs.

Alex xx

Cheryl said...

What is wrong with your BIL? Not only do I feel awful for you and your dh, your poor MIL needs calm not this drama.

Anonymous said...

From Margie in Toronto - I feel so sorry for you right now - this situation is so stressful anyway and to have all this added to it is just ridiculous. Bottom line is - MIL wants to see FIL and BIL2 has no right to keep them apart - let them call security! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Hello there, I'm Jane. So sorry to hear of the difficult time you're having. Although BIL2 has power of attorney it does not give him the power to stop immediate family visiting her in hospital or over rule your MIL's wishes if she is capable of making them herself. This is a matter of law and the Court of Protection, which is very clear on the matter, can act on her behalf if need be. She can also withdraw his power of attorney if he isn't acting in her best interests, a simple letter, witnessed, will suffice. I really don't want to add to your difficulties at such a stressful time for you all and hope things settle down for you.

Frugal in Derbyshire said...

Here Here Anonymous! BIL is a bully and is using his PoA inappropriately. Ask PALS if there is a hospital Social Worker to spell it out.
Good Luck Hester.

thrift deluxe said...

Hope today is a better day for you all.

Linda Metcalf said...

Really sad that BIL is acting this way....especially for FIL. It's a pity how people can act. Hold strong and take care of YOU!

frugal needles said...

We are all supporting you theough here, sending love n virtual hugs xx

Anonymous said...

I've been through a similar situation this year of supporting my husband, 2 BiLs & step-daughter through the death of my MiL (although without the in-fighting thankfully) & I fully understand the feeling of "you're looking out for everyone but who's looking out for you?" that you mention. Take care of yourself xx

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