Tuesday, 3 May 2016

I've set myself a challenge.

As we are planning to downsize I have set myself a challenge of getting rid of at least 100 items a week until we are ready to sell.

I will list what I get rid of each week.

This is what has left the house so far this week.

1 Radio cassette player sold £1
1 Mini oven sold £10
55 piece Denby dinner service sold £70
12 balls of eyelash wool
5 lengths of fabric
5 Vases

8 mugs
3 wine coolers
2 candle holders
1 Oil diffuser
2 bottles of wine to be used as raffle prize
2 bars of soap to be used as raffle prize
2 bottles of shower gel to be used as raffle prize
14 kitchen utensils
6 marked pint glasses


galant said...

Eyelash wool? The mind boggles! What on earth is that? Is it a particular grade of wool (from very finely woolled sheep?) or yarn made from the eyelashs of yaks or some other beastie?
Margaret P

galant said...

What in heaven's name are you doing with three wine coolers, Snitty Kitty? Oh, your list made me smile! I don't have anything like any of these items in our home. We have six matching china mugs which we have bought specially but that's about it; all kitchen utensils are in constant use and I simply don't buy gadgets. My gadgets are wooden spoons, potato peeler and kitchen scissors. I tell a lie: I bought an apple corer recently, it was inexpensive and it's made coring Bramleys for baked apples a doddle. And the raffle prizes - are you selling them as raffle prizes? How do you know that the person buying them will use them as prizes, or perhaps they were won in raffles?
Bemused of Devon, aka Margaret P

Anonymous said...

Galant, Are you aware, at all, how you come across at times? The comments above, while pseudo-jovial, also read (to me) as judgemental hectoring. It is not all about you, or your kitchen armamentarium.
Anon again.

galant said...

Anonymous, the last thing I am is judgmental. We all choose the things we want in our homes (and some things are foisted upon us). I've even said that Snitty Kitty's list made me smile. I would not say that is hectoring, but if it reads like that, and Snitty Kitty is upset by such remarks, then I assure her they are not intentional.
Margaret P

Anonymous said...

I apologise for misconstruing the sentiment behind your words.
Anon again.

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...