Here are some of the books I'm getting rid off, way too many to list, but if you see a book you would like I'm happy to pop it in the post to you.
If you click on a pic, it should enlarge it enough for you to read the title.
So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...
You are really on a roll! What is the housing market like where you are? In our village (very top of Norfolk) apparently there is hardly anything on the market for sale so prices are holding up and increasing a little bit.
As TrishWish says, you really are on a roll, well done! Unfortunately, none of the books is for me, but best of luck selling them. As for the housing market in our area, loads of SOLD boards out and in our Close two houses have sold within about a month. Prices have risen in the last 18 months quite substantially, too.
Margaret P
Hi there, how abot giving the harry potter books to your daughter for the grandkids. they will love them! Good luck
I would love the Harry Potter books please for my daughter. Happy to pay for them and postage.
I wonder do you take PayPal? There are two books I want but don't want them for nought. Thanks.
Trishwish, the housing market is pretty lively round here. Three houses have sold within a week of going on the market that I drive past on my way to work.
Both sets of grandchildren already have the Harry Potter series, Sol.
Ellen, email me your address and I'll post them to you.
Marjorie, I do have a paypal account, which books do you want?
My email addy is
Sue, I will email you & pay for postage, I've spotted a few!
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