Sunday, 1 May 2016

Joyce Grenfell

I spent yesterday evening sounding like a Joyce Grenfell monologue.

I was looking after DGD 18months as DD is away on a hen  night and SIL wanted to go to a family party.

DGD is fine with dogs as she has one at home, I wasn't sure how my lodger would react to DGD as she isn't used to toddlers and DGD is fairly noisy and tends to rampage around the house.

Eventually they bonded over a bowl of sgetti hoops and toast, DGD decided she didn't want the toast, so dropped it on the floor where it was gratefully received by the dog, oh well it saved a mess on the floor.

DGD was up at 5:20, her normal getting up time, she had her breakfast, shreddies,  so did the dog, dry food and the rest of last nights salmon! DGD is now back in bed.

I have one load of washing on the line and another in the machine, I think I'm up to date then.


Anonymous said...

"George, don't do that..."

TrishWish said...

OH No George is my grandson's favourite book about a dog; your visiting dog sounds like he should be in that book!

Lyssa Medana said...

Okay, be a cauliflower but be it gently...

That dog sounds like a darling. Hope you are catching up with sleep. x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...