Wednesday, 12 June 2019

I don't usually mind but

The amount of rain we are getting is ridiculous.

I don't have a single pair of dry shoes left.

Beano looks permanently windswept as his coat goes wild when he gets wet.

The water levels in the marina are up and down like a bride's nighty on her wedding night.

Some of the puddles on the marina are so big the ducks are swimming on them.

The stove is lit permanently.


justjill said...

Makes you wonder what we did wrong. Perhaps Global warming has now given us a monsoon season.

cumbrian said...

Just another typical English summers day?

bbarna said...

Sounds like a camping trip we had a few years ago...rained 5 days straight, nothing got dry...the dog was wet all the time.

Pat said...

I've got some Hotter Goretex lace ups for walking the dog and rainy days, they're called Mist. Pricey but they've been worth it, had them for about 4 years now and never had wet feet. Or there's wellies?

Perhaps there'll be the forecasted heat wave soon then we'll be complaining we're too hot!

Col said...

The water levels in the marina are up and down like a 'bride's nighty on her wedding night', or in my world.....
'up and down like a whore's drawers'!
You're welcome to use this phrase whenever you feel the need! X

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...