Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Fecking dog.

Shopping today, I drive, Steve shops, I walk the dogs.

I got out of the car with both dogs on the lead.

I moved towards the front of the car to get on to the pavement.

For some reason Loulou decided to jump through the gap in the fence, it was about a four foot drop.

She was uninjured but couldn't jump back up.

So I had to wriggle under the fence to get her.

Fortunately Beano waited until I was safe on the ground before he too jumped into my arms. 

We then had an uneventful walk until Steve finished shopping.


justjill said...

So sorry I doubt it was funny at the time but the vision in my head.....!

lynda said...

Glad you have had an uneventful day. Think of you often. Love your posts.
Take care.

Christine Hancock said...

Yes dogs!! Why do we have them because we love them??

mamasmercantile said...

Oops! Doesn't sound good. Glad you weren't hurt.

flis said...

My dogs can be sooo stressful and life would be easier and calmer without them but I wouldn't want that.Mine have exhausted me again today-refusing to go where I had planned,racing off on muddy route,laying in it.Everyone else today on our walk seemed to have the "perfect" dog trotting along calmly and they seem surprised when lily came from nowhere and lept into the stream racing and splashing x

Anonymous said...

What a fool! As a former breeder of cattle, I could tell that tosser exactly the range of things that cows chew and it involves far more than rope. They particularly like chewing on black polypipe

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