Saturday, 6 June 2020


Loulou was my daughter's dog, when DD split up with her husband she rented a house where pets were allowed. After she'd signed the lease she was told that 'pets' didn't include dogs.

Loulou stayed with DD's ex but the marital home is now on the market. DD's ex is moving in with his new gf who won't have the dog.

Loulou has visited us a few times and is staying the night with us tonight if it goes ok she can stay permanently.

Beano seems ok with her, we are ensuring that he is top dog as the changes are making Loulou a bit anxious and Beano seems to have a calming effect on her.

Loulou is a very needy girl where cuddles are concerned so Steve is paying her lots of attention, Beano doesn't mind as long as he's got me.


justjill said...

You are a star and Steve. A lovely story for these awful times. Thank you.

Marilyn Bennett said...

What a lovely soft heart you have. Lou Lou needs a calm, happy home like yours. I do hope everything goes well and she stays - forever.

paule caillou said...

vous etes merveilleux votre mari et vous meme

Meanqueen said...

You are very kind. May you have lots of happy times together with your new family member.

kate steeper said...

that seems to be how we acquire our cats. deceased relative anyone? New address doesnt take pets not that we mind

The Weaver of Grass said...

I do so hope it works out for Loulou - I feel so sorry for dogs in this sort of situation - they really can't understand what is happening in their lives.

JanF said...

With a little luck and a lot of love this could be good for all of you. I do hope so. You are so kind and caring.

Mrs LH said...

I really hope Lou Lou and Beano get on. I hope they become great friends.

Plodding on.

We've had a few very cold days but warmer weather is due soon, it's been bright and sunny which is nice. One of the residents was ad...