Wednesday, 26 January 2022

Childhood memories.

Thank you Jan, Fliss I have a 25 year old cotton night dress, nothing warm. Chicken mum a sleeping bag sounds like a good idea.

I suddenly remembered earlier today, a birthday party I'd had. I'm not sure how old I was, around 5 or 6 I think. My mother decided to invite children from the local children's home, maybe I had no friends of my own, I'm not sure. I had nightmares about the party for years afterwards. I remember the table being laid with the best bone china tea service that had been  a wedding gift to my parents. I was an undersized child and timid, obviously the children from the home were neither. Food was thrown around, plates were smashed, one cup had a neat mouth shape bitten out of it. I was terrorised by the noisy children, pinched, scratched and had my hair pulled. We couldn't play out, my birthday is in November so we remained crammed in the living room, apart from escorted trips to the outside toilet, until the children were collected.

I may have had other parties but I have no recollection.

I have no idea what my mother was thinking of.


Lyssa Medana said...

I'm not sure if your mum was thinking at all! What a traumatising birthday. Hugs x

Ellen D. said...

Oh, I am sorry that you have this unhappy memory. Sounds miserable for all involved!

Marlane said...

Your Mum probably had no idea that such a crazy thing would happen. She thought that her kindness would be appreciated.

Debby said...

Your mum had no idea what to do with children, sounds like. However do you manage to get through winter without a warm flannel nightgown that goes all the way down to your feet? I sleep a lot better when I am snug as a bug.

flis said...

That sounds traumatising for a child and especially in your own home on your special day-I had 2 very naughty girl cousins who would go crazy scratching and banging around when they had visitors-Today they are the nicest calm women with responsible jobs-we laugh now about how naughty they were x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...