The weather is turning chilly and damp, it's overcast today and windy. I think the cottage is going to get very cold over winter as the landlord has decided against putting curtains up.
My daughter is keeping on the solicitors case with regards to our flat but it is having little effect. The holdup is with the company that owns the flats and they are in no rush to complete.
We are paying £1200 a month rent, it's a fair rent for what we have, a bedroom, bathroom and an all in one lounge,kitchen, diner. We cannot rent on the open market as we have no history and we'd need to rent for a one year minimum. We were paying the same for the bedsit above the garage but I really struggled with the stairs there as there was no banister and they were quite steep.
Obviously we'd like to move as soon as possible as every month we stay here is eating into our savings. Mind you, if we'd stayed on the boat we'd be in a worse fix. The mooring fees have skyrocketed, a friend of Steve's phoned him last week, his mooring fees went from £299 pcm to £659 which is a hell of jump.
I've asked for her another referral to the audiology dept. The last one didn't materialise. Jennie phoned on my behalf, to start with she was told I should just "put up and shut up". At my age I needed to realise that bits of me aren't going to work as they did.
Unfortunately my eyesight was damaged by an attempt to repair the macular traction, that eye is now irretrievably damaged. The other eye has developed the same problem but I don't fancy letting the surgeons having another go!
So I rely on my hearing which has deteriorated recently, one audiologist suggested a reason, vestibular schwanoma. This was some years ago but nothing was done. The head audiologist informed me that treatment wasn't available at my age. They don't want to waste money on someone who is too old to make a useful contribution to life!
And so I battle on, pissed off and battle scarred.