Tuesday, 26 December 2023

Boxing day

Many years ago before my children had their own children my daughters and I used to spend a day Christmas shopping. Then my ex found out and he phoned the girls constantly to discover which day we were going out so he could scupper our plans. We stopped this as the grandchildren arrived as the children don't enjoy shopping.

I used to host a family buffet on boxing day, there would be my four children plus partners and children. It was noisy and chaotic but great fun. The food was served from midday onwards.

After a few years my ex found out about this and decided HE needed to host the family on boxing day. He insisted that everyone needed to be at his house by midday but food wasn't served until 7 in the evening. By which time the little ones were over-tired and hungry.

Eventually everyone insisted that they would visit but they weren't prepared to spend the entire day jumping to his every whim.

I have no idea what he does nowadays but both my son's are visiting today, one is coming at 1 ish the other at 3 so he can walk Beano.


Catriona said...

Enjoy your visits with your sons. Catriona

Carole R said...

I hope that you have had a peaceful Christmas.Lovely to see your two sons today, hopefully you enjoy a good walk with them. Happy New Year to you

Ellen D. said...

Enjoy your family time!

lindsey said...

It sounds like a very pleasant end to Christmas. I do hope that your 25th was as enjoyable. Best wishes x

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