Friday, 1 December 2023

Sods law.

So I decided to start posting again this morning and we lost our internet!

It seems to have returned though I'm not sure how long for.

Beano is loving the cold frosty weather and is going for extra long walks and more of them.

Harry, our pack-rat neighbour has been having a bit of a clear out. He's already given us a full length mirror that is now a hanging in our bedroom and y'day he gave us an over-mantle mirror with a heavy gold frame. He also gave another resident a glass fronted storage unit.


Ana Dunk said...

Itis good to see you posting again. I know your life can be very hectic and sometime discouraging but maybe some friendly notes from your readers will cheer you up when you need it.

Anonymous said...

So pleased to see you back - hope alls well x

Chris said...

Good to have you back, Hester. Your life is always interesting and I like your sardonic wit!

Bern said...

Nice to see you posting again. I enjoy reading your posts.

Margaret said...

I’m pleased you’re back posting. Everyday I look to see if there’s an update on your life. Could do with Harry here as I’m wanting a couple of mirrors.
Margaret (New Zealand)

sandy said...

Welcome back, so nice to hear from you again

Anonymous said...

Welcome back I have missed your posts so much , how lovely of Harry to give the things away he no longer needs.We plan to do the same next year when the weather is better, we have some great stuff that people could make use of, love Carrie x

Filling the freezer.

It's been a difficult week for Steve, he's had to get up by 9:30 every day, instead of 11 o'clock. He's taking his blood pre...