Sunday, 7 January 2024

Last ever Sunday lunch

Today I'm cooking what could be my last ever roast dinner.

Last week Steve bought a piece of beef and complained that I hadn't cooked it properly.

This week he bought a boned rolled breast of lamb. He got it out the fridge at 4 o'clock and hit the roof when I said it wouldn't be cooked until after 6 o'clock. I've cut it in half to speed things up but it's not cooked yet. Obviously this is because I'm an idiot!


Anonymous said...

No, you're not an idiot, he is!
Alice x

Nelliegrace said...

Dear Hester,
Do you know anywhere locally where you can take a taxi, and enjoy a nice carvery Sunday lunch for one?
Goodness knows, you deserve it.

busybusybeejay said...

How do you put up with this?

Anonymous said...

Captain hot stuff

Jeannettee said...

What a moron Steve is !! And you are no idiot x

Ellen D. said...

Just say no. Take care of yourself.

Jennie said...

Hester, this breaks my heart! You are not an idiot and you deserve so much more. Jennie🖤🖤]

Julia said...

I know he has a head injury but you have the patience of a saint to constantly have to put up with such abuse. My husband had a brain tumour which changed his personality before he died, but nothing compared to your husband's shenanigans. I expect you have to keep reminding yourself "for better or for worse"!. I don't think he's a moron - head injury is cruel for all involved.

Catriona said...

I’m glad you can speak to us here on your blog and don’t know how you put up with your husband’s behaviour. Catriona

Anonymous said...

The time has come to put your foot down and no longer cook for him at all. Surely, the money he spends on rubbish food (if food is the right word to describe what he buys) could be spent on a hot meal at a pub or cafe a couple of times a week.
Whilst I appreciate that a lot of his attitude is due to the aftermath of his illness, you are going to end up in hospital yourself with all the stress you are carrying. Put yourself first for a change. Pollie.

flis said...

Sorry to say this - and I know it's none of my business but I do declare I would say myself that your Steve is delusional x

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...