Saturday, 13 January 2024

Nosy neighbour

Steve is trying to do something to his phone, I've no idea what but I'm not letting him near mine. I'm assuming he is unsuccessful as he is ranting and complaining about it.

As for the nosy neighbour, that's me, I chat occasionally to a neighbour. On the occasions we do meet we chat briefly. 

You know that thing, during a conversation, when someone says something really disconcerting. Sometimes it takes a while for the information to sink in.

She and her husband have moved here from a house nearby and she mentioned that she is finding paying the bills a bit of a struggle. It seems that her husband, despite still working, is refusing to contribute to their living expenses. 

She has told me bits and pieces about her husband and I'm very suspicious of him.

He insisted on moving from a three bed house to a top floor flat, this despite them having two dogs. The dogs are now caged throughout the day which seems unkind to me. Although they are walked regularly. He promised her he was buying a two bed flat but wouldn't let her see it beforehand. It's actually a one bed flat with a dressing area off the bedroom that is too small to hold a bed.

He still works two days a week but has no money, hence her having to pay all the bills. He also spends two days a week at  regular hospital appointments, he claims to have had a stroke some years ago that necessitates these regular appointments.

Although they have been together many years she was unaware of him having had a stroke.

All very curious, but nothing to do with me but I can't help wondering.


Tracy said...

Sounds like a man living a double life to me.

Sue Smit said...

I bet he has another woman as one does not need to go to a hospital appointment twice a week for a stroke victim. And if no money then he is supporting the gf

flis said...

I would myself wonder if he's spending money on another woman x

ana s. said...

We all are on the spectrum of behavior from totally lunatic and weird to ultra conservative (who can be weird too). I am just happy to have a few I can talk with and who do not try to involve me in their weirdness.

Over the Hill said...

You and your neighbour need to team up with someone with a car and follow him to his next "hospital appointment". It sounds like the beginning of a Richard Osman's stories! Nicola

Anonymous said...


Winters End Rambler said...

Walter Mitty

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...