Friday, 12 January 2024

Chicken pies

Cooking for people on Tuesday's has fired my enthusiasm. I'm making a small batch of chicken and veg pies for my lunches this week.I'm adding carrots, onions and leeks to the chicken, the mixture smells good already.

I'm doing the pudding on Tuesday, I have a sweet pastry case and I'll add strawberries/raspberries and top with jelly. Steve wants me to make brownies instead as he doesn't eat fruit. Betty is doing a liver casserole which Steve won't eat. I'm really not sure why he comes along.

The weather is still very cold here, I think it's tried to snow a couple of times but so far  we've had none.

I still have some mistletoe on the sideboard, I love mistletoe, it is a sacred plant to me. I don't use it to kiss under, that's not it's appeal. A branch fell out of a nearby tree when the wind was high, the mistletoe is attached to the fallen branch.


Moira said...

Love homemade chicken pies,enjoy

Ellen D. said...

Your chicken pies sound yummy. Glad you are enjoying your gatherings.
We are having a blizzard here and are expecting snow and strong winds all day. Glad I can stay cozy at home!

My Piece of Earth said...

I can almost smell those chicken pies.

Chris said...

Sounds heavenly! Wish someone would come and cook for me.

Col said...

I'm so pleased that you seem to be regaining your cooking mojo!
You've always been such a good cook, and it was such a shame that Steve and his silliness had caused you to lose interest.
Hopefully this is just the start, and it'll be onwards and upwards from now on!
Take care,
Col X

flis said...

Life is looking really positive for you now - Just brush off any negativity to enjoy your day x


Last week I went to lunch club and when this week's lunch was arranged I offered to cook the main course. I spent this morning preparing...