Tuesday, 30 January 2024

Weird stuff.

Oh the things I see when walking Beano!

Yesterday when walking Beano I saw a woman leave her house, walk along the pavement, cross the road and throw an envelope into the bin by the bus stop.

Obviously I put 2 & 2 together and made 25, I've come up with a lot of theories but I still have no idea what was going on.

Another thing I've noticed is a car parked in a nearby road, nothing unusual there, you might think. But over the period of a few weeks I've seen the car driver leaving a house on the estate that is some distance away, there is ample parking on the drive of this house and in the streets around.  He walks to his car and drives away but seems to stay at the same house every night.

I'm sure he thinks he's being very discrete but I'm probably not the only person who has noticed this.


flis said...

How curious - I would think the visiting man is sneaking in his girlfriend's house either while her husbands away working or that a male visitor can stay overnight for no more than 3 nights without losing any benefits x

Corinne said...

Your post did make me chuckle, Miss Marple! Have you ever thought about becoming a private detective?

Angela said...

We lived on a corner in London, and one morning when I walked the girls to school, there was a car parked at the side of our house with a couple sitting in it. Just sitting, and staring ahead. They were still there 20 minutes later when I came back. Later I went out to the Post Office. Still there. Whatever are they doing? I thought. So I tapped on the window and said "excuse me, why have you been sitting outside my house for around 2 hours?" The woman flashed her police warrant card, and told me they were doing surveillance. Subsequently there was a drugs bust at a house across the road. (My daughters said I was very cheeky to have asked them, but it did at least answer the question!)

Anonymous said...

Years ago my husband's boss started an affair with the woman next door to us. He lived in the nearby market town and had overlooked that it is impossible to have an affair with someone living in a village without the whole village quickly finding out, especially when you play for their cricket team and everyone is familiar with your car. We grew used to people asking "Why was S's car parked in the layby on the main road at 3am/behind the local pub all night/down the cul-de-sac opposite my house?" Years later he is completely unaware that his antics provided a lot of entertainment for so many people along the lines of 'Where's Wally'!

Anonymous said...

The driver of the car is probably hiding it away from his house because it's about to be repossessed. My neighbor does the same thing, hides his vehicle behind some garages at a distance from his house. The woman dumping the bills (envelope) in the rubbish bin at the bus stop doesn't want her husband to find out about the amount of debt they have. That's my theory on both fwiw!

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...