Sunday, 28 January 2024


Steve's cooking roast lamb and roast potatoes, both are covered in a thick layer of mixed herbs. 

He's already complaining because I suggested he cover the lamb in foil to save the air fryer from being coated in fat. It was only Friday when he finally decided to clean the air fryer because the kitchen filled with smoke every time he used the air fryer. The kitchen ended up covered in black specks. It's a very small kitchen and every wall and surface was covered. I've spent time trying to clean the kitchen and now it will need doing again, sigh.

4:30. The lamb wasn't cooked, it was raw and very fatty, totally inedible. Steve won't accept instructions or advice as he thinks he knows it all. I ate some potatoes and veg, the lamb was dreadful.I

I might suggest we have chops with next weekend instead of a joint.

It seems my ex husband is not well, he's been having seizures, not sure how long he's been having them as they seem to happen overnight and he doesn't share a room with his wife. She mentioned to my daughter that she'd noticed him making strange noises after he'd gone to bed, but she didn't investigate.

It could be alcohol related if he's still a heavy drinker.


Chris said...

What a shame to waste a good lamb roast. I love lamb but only have it rarely as it is rather expensive here.

flis said...

Strange that your ex's wife didn't go to check on him - doesn't sound normal - Mine drives me mad but I would go to see what's wrong x

Hard up Hester said...

Flis, they are not a close couple, they married each other for their money.

Chris, I expect this lamb was expensive too.

Ellen D. said...

Too bad about the lamb. I don't know anything about air fryers.
I hope your ex gets some medical help if that is what he needs. Nothing you can do about it but be there for your daughter.

Catriona said...

Shame that good food was wasted even though I wouldn’t have wanted any.Catriona

Col said...

Will you forgive me for not being terribly bothered about your ex? That bloody man put you through awful things, so………….

Hard up Hester said...

Col, I'm not bothered about the ex, I was just sympathizing with my daughter.

Col said...

Yeah, I suppose she would still have feelings for her dad. I wasn't thinking about it from your kid's points of view! X

Raining this morning.

So although I've taken Beano out for his morning walk it was very brief, he has rushed out, had a few widdles and rushed home. The rain ...